
Simple equilibria in general contests. (English) Zbl 1497.91017

Summary: We show how symmetric equilibria emerge in general two-player contests in which skill and effort are combined to produce output according to a general production technology and players have skills drawn from different distributions. The model includes the Tullock models [G. Tullock, “Efficient rent seeking”, in: Towards a theory of the rent-seeking society. Texas A&M University Press. 97–112 (1980)] and Lazear and Rosen models [E. P. Lazear and S. Rosen, “Rank-order tournaments as optimum labor contracts”, J. Polit. Econ. 89, 841–864 (1981)] as special cases. Our paper provides intuition regarding how the contest components interact to determine the incentive to exert effort and sheds new light on classic comparative statics results. In particular, we show that more heterogeneity can increase equilibrium effort.


91A11 Equilibrium refinements
91A10 Noncooperative games
91A05 2-person games


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