
Non-convergence of stochastic gradient descent in the training of deep neural networks. (English) Zbl 1494.65044

Summary: Deep neural networks have successfully been trained in various application areas with stochastic gradient descent. However, there exists no rigorous mathematical explanation why this works so well. The training of neural networks with stochastic gradient descent has four different discretization parameters: (i) the network architecture; (ii) the amount of training data; (iii) the number of gradient steps; and (iv) the number of randomly initialized gradient trajectories. While it can be shown that the approximation error converges to zero if all four parameters are sent to infinity in the right order, we demonstrate in this paper that stochastic gradient descent fails to converge for ReLU networks if their depth is much larger than their width and the number of random initializations does not increase to infinity fast enough.


65K10 Numerical optimization and variational techniques
68T07 Artificial neural networks and deep learning


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