
Symbolic computations of first integrals for polynomial vector fields. (English) Zbl 1485.34006

In the paper, the authors generalize the extactic curve introduced by J. Pereira (in fact, proposed first by Mikhail Nikolaevich Lagutinskii (1871–1915)) to the Darbouxian, Liouvillian and Riccati integrability. Using this approach, the authors present new algorithms for computing, if it exists, a rational, Darbouxian, Liouvillian or Riccati first integral for polynomial planar vector fields with bounded degree. Probabilistic and deterministic algorithms are presented where it is also analyzed the arithmetic complexity of the probabilistic one. The algorithms presented improves previous ones. The algorithms have been implemented in Maple and are available on the authors’ websites. In the last section of the paper some examples are presented showing the efficiency of the algorithms. The algorithms presented generalize to the Darbouxian, Liouvillian and Riccati cases the algorithm proposed in [A. Bostan et al., Math. Comput. 85, No. 299, 1393–1425 (2016; Zbl 1335.34002)] for computing rational first integrals. It is important to remark that the method presented avoids the computation of Darboux polynomials and then does not need a recombination step of the associated cofactors.


34A05 Explicit solutions, first integrals of ordinary differential equations
34C05 Topological structure of integral curves, singular points, limit cycles of ordinary differential equations
68W30 Symbolic computation and algebraic computation
68W40 Analysis of algorithms


Zbl 1335.34002


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