
Certainty equivalent and utility indifference pricing for incomplete preferences via convex vector optimization. (English) Zbl 1461.91128

Summary: For incomplete preference relations that are represented by multiple priors and/or multiple – possibly multivariate – utility functions, we define a certainty equivalent as well as the utility indifference price bounds as set-valued functions of the claim. Furthermore, we motivate and introduce the notion of a weak and a strong certainty equivalent. We will show that our definitions contain as special cases some definitions found in the literature so far on complete or special incomplete preferences. We prove monotonicity and convexity properties of utility buy and sell prices that hold in total analogy to the properties of the scalar indifference prices for complete preferences. We show how the (weak and strong) set-valued certainty equivalent as well as the indifference price bounds can be computed or approximated by solving convex vector optimization problems. Numerical examples and their economic interpretations are given for the univariate as well as for the multivariate case.


91B16 Utility theory
91B08 Individual preferences
91G15 Financial markets


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