
Optimal condition for blow-up of the critical \(L^q\) norm for the semilinear heat equation. (English) Zbl 1420.35139

Summary: We shed light on a long-standing open question for the semilinear heat equation \(u_t = \Delta u + | u |^{p - 1} u\). Namely, without any restriction on the exponent \(p > 1\) nor on the smooth domain \({\Omega}\), we prove that the critical \(L^q\) norm blows up whenever the solution undergoes type I blow-up. A similar property is also obtained for the local critical \(L^q\) norm near any blow-up point.
In view of recent results of existence of type II blow-up solutions with bounded critical \(L^q\) norm, which are counter-examples to the open question, our result seems to be essentially the best possible result in general setting. This close connection between type I blow-up and critical \(L^q\) norm blow-up appears to be a completely new observation.
Our proof is rather involved and requires the combination of various ingredients. It is based on analysis in similarity variables and suitable rescaling arguments, combined with backward uniqueness and unique continuation properties for parabolic equations.
As a by-product, we obtain the nonexistence of self-similar profiles in the critical \(L^q\) space. Such properties were up to now only known for \(p \leq p_S\) and in radially symmetric case for \(p > p_S\), where \(p_S\) is the Sobolev exponent.


35K58 Semilinear parabolic equations
35B40 Asymptotic behavior of solutions to PDEs
35B44 Blow-up in context of PDEs
35B33 Critical exponents in context of PDEs


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