
Positivity of iterated sequences of polynomials. (English) Zbl 1420.05020

Summary: In this paper, we present some criteria for the 2-\(q\)-log-convexity and 3-\(q\)-log-convexity of combinatorial sequences, which can be regarded as the first column of a certain infinite triangular array \([A_{n,k}(q)]_{n,k\ge 0}\) of polynomials in \(q\) with nonnegative coefficients satisfying the recurrence relation \(A_{n,k}(q)=A_{n-1,k-1}(q)+g_k(q)A_{n-1,k}(q)+h_{k+1}(q)A_{n-1,k+1}(q)\). Those criteria can also be presented by continued fractions and generating functions. These allow a unified treatment of the 2-\(q\)-log-convexity of alternating Eulerian polynomials, 2-log-convexity of Euler numbers, and 3-\(q\)-log-convexity of many classical polynomials, including the Bell polynomials, the Eulerian polynomials of types \(A\) and \(B\), the \(q\)-Schröder numbers, \(q\)-central Delannoy numbers, the Narayana polynomials of types \(A\) and \(B\), the generating functions of rows in the Catalan triangles of Aigner and Shapiro, the generating functions of rows in the large Schröder triangle, and so on, which extend many known results for \(q\)-log-convexity.


05A30 \(q\)-calculus and related topics
05A20 Combinatorial inequalities
11B37 Recurrences
11B83 Special sequences and polynomials
30B70 Continued fractions; complex-analytic aspects


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