
Variance of the volume of random real algebraic submanifolds. (English) Zbl 1412.53079

This paper treats the asymptotic problem of the variance of the volume of random real algebraic submanifolds. Let \(\mathcal{X}\) be a smooth complex projective manifold of dimension \(n\). Let \(\mathcal{L}\) be an ample holomorphic line bundle over \(\mathcal{X}\), and let \(\mathcal{E}\) be a rank-\(r\) holomorphic vector bundle over \(\mathcal{X}\) with \(r \in \{ 1, \dots, n \}\). Assume that the real locus \(M\) of \(\mathcal{X}\) is not empty. For any \(d \in \mathbb{N}\), \(\mathbb{R} H^0( \mathcal{X}, \mathcal{E} \otimes \mathcal{L}^d)\) denotes the space of real holomorphic sections of \(\mathcal{E} \otimes \mathcal{L}^d \to \mathcal{X}\), and \(\vert d V_s \vert\) denotes the Riemannian measure, considered as a positive Radon measure on \(M\). When \(s_d\) is a standard Gaussian vector in \(\mathbb{R} H^0( \mathcal{X}, \mathcal{E} \otimes \mathcal{L}^d )\), then \(\vert d V_{s_d} \vert\) is a random positive Radon measure on \(M\). The author studies the vanishing locus \(Z_{s_d}\) in \(M\) of a random real holomorphic section \(s_d\) of \(\mathcal{E} \otimes \mathcal{L}^d\).
For a test function \(\phi \in C^0(M)\) and every \(s \in \mathbb{R}H^0( \mathcal{X}, \mathcal{E} \otimes \mathcal{L}^d )\) vanishing transversally, the real random variable \[ \langle \vert d V_s \vert, \phi \rangle = \int_{x \in Z_s} \, \phi(x) \vert d V_s \vert \tag{1} \] is called linear statistics of degree \(d\) associated with \(\phi\). On the other hand, for \(\phi \in C^0(M)\), its continuity modulus \(\bar{\omega}_{\phi}\) is defined by \[ \bar{\omega}_{\phi} (\varepsilon) := \sup \{ \, \vert \phi(x) - \phi(y) \vert ; \,\, (x,y) \in M^2, \,\, \rho_g(x,y) \leqslant \varepsilon \, \} \tag{2} \] where \(\rho_g(\cdot, \cdot)\) stands for the geodesic distance on \((M, g)\) with a Riemannian metric \(g\). The first main result is as follows:
Theorem A. For \(\beta \in (0, 1/2)\), there exists \(C_{\beta} > 0\) such that, for all \(\alpha \in (0, \alpha_0)\), for all \(\phi \in C^0(M)\), the variance of the linear statistics admits the following asymptotics as \(d \to + \infty\): \[ \begin{split} Var(\langle \vert d V_{s_d} \vert , \phi \rangle) = d^{r - n/2} \left( \int_M \, \phi^2 \vert d V_M \vert \right) \frac{Vol(\mathbb{S}^{n-1})} {( 2 \pi )^r} \mathcal{I}_{n,r} \\ + \Vert \phi \Vert_{\infty}^2 \cdot O( d^{r - n/2- \alpha} ) + \Vert \phi \Vert_{\infty} \bar{\omega}_{\phi}(C_{\beta} d^{- \beta}) O(d^{r - n/2}) \end{split}\tag{3} \] where \[ \begin{split} \mathcal{I}_{n,r} = \frac{1}{2} \int_0^{+ \infty} \left\{ \frac{\mathbb{E} [ \vert det^{\perp}( X(t)) \vert \cdot \vert det^{\perp} (Y(t)) \vert ]}{( 1-e^{-t} )^{r/2}} \right. \\ - (2 \pi)^r \left. \left( \frac{Vol( \mathbb{S}^{n-r} )}{Vol ( \mathbb{S}^n )} \right)^2 \right\} t^{(n-2)/2} \, dt < + \infty. \end{split} \tag{4} \] This implies that, when \(r \in \{ 1, \dots, n-1 \}\), then we obtain an asymptotic of order \(d^{r - n/2}\), as \(d\) goes to infinity, for the variance of the linear statistics associated with \(Z_{s_d}\), including its volume. As a corollary, the following statement can be derived.
Corollary B. Let \(U \subset M\) be an open subset, then as \(d \to + \infty\) \[ \mathbb{P} (Z_{s_d} \cap U = \emptyset) = O(d^{- n/2}) \tag{5} \] holds.
This means that, given an open set \(U \subset M\), it can be shown that the probability that \(Z_{s_ d}\) does not intersect \(U\) is an order of \(d^{- n/2}\) when \(d\) goes to infinity. As a result of almost sure convergent, the author proves:
Theorem C. Assume \(n \geq 3\). Let \((s_d)_{d \in \mathbb{N}} \in \prod_{d \in \mathbb{N}} \mathbb{R} H^0(\mathcal{X}, \mathcal{E} \otimes \mathcal{L}^d)\) be a random sequence of sections. Then, \(d \nu\)-almost surely, the convergence \[ d^{- r/2} \langle \vert d V_{s_d} \vert , \phi \rangle \to \frac{Vol(\mathbb{S}^{n-r})}{Vol(\mathbb{S}^r)} \left(\int_M \, \phi \vert d V_{s_d} \vert \right) \tag{6} \] holds for \(\forall \phi \in C^0(M)\), as \(d \to + \infty\).
This result means that, when \(n \geq 3\), then the almost sure convergence can be verified for the linear statistics associated with a random sequence of sections of increasing degree. Furthermore, the framework given here contains the case of random real algebraic submanifolds of \(\mathbb{R}\mathbb{P}^n\), obtained as the common zero set of \(r\) independent Kostlan-Shub-Smale polunomials.
For other related works see, e.g., [D. Gayet and J.-Y. Welschinger, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 14, No. 4, 673–702 (2015; Zbl 1326.32040)] for random real algebraic submanifolds, and also [the author, J. Funct. Anal. 270, No. 8, 3047–3110 (2016; Zbl 1349.58007)] for expected volume of random submanifolds.


53C40 Global submanifolds
60G60 Random fields
14P99 Real algebraic and real-analytic geometry
32A25 Integral representations; canonical kernels (Szegő, Bergman, etc.)


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