
Goodness of fit for log-linear network models: dynamic Markov bases using hypergraphs. (English) Zbl 1400.62124

Summary: Social networks and other sparse data sets pose significant challenges for statistical inference, since many standard statistical methods for testing model/data fit are not applicable in such settings. Algebraic statistics offers a theoretically justified approach to goodness-of-fit testing that relies on the theory of Markov bases. Most current practices require the computation of the entire basis, which is infeasible in many practical settings. We present a dynamic approach to explore the fiber of a model, which bypasses this issue, and is based on the combinatorics of hypergraphs arising from the toric algebra structure of log-linear models. We demonstrate the approach on the Holland-Leinhardt \(p_1\) model for random directed graphs that allows for reciprocation effects.


62H17 Contingency tables
13P25 Applications of commutative algebra (e.g., to statistics, control theory, optimization, etc.)
05C80 Random graphs (graph-theoretic aspects)
91D30 Social networks; opinion dynamics


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