
On exact and approximate stochastic dominance strategies for portfolio selection. (English) Zbl 1395.91396

Summary: One recent and promising strategy for enhanced indexation is the selection of portfolios that stochastically dominate the benchmark. We propose here a new type of approximate stochastic dominance rule which implies other existing approximate stochastic dominance rules. We then use it to find the portfolio that approximately stochastically dominates a given benchmark with the best possible approximation. Our model is initially formulated as a linear program with exponentially many constraints, and then reformulated in a more compact manner so that it can be very efficiently solved in practice. This reformulation also reveals an interesting financial interpretation. We compare our approach with several exact and approximate stochastic dominance models for portfolio selection. An extensive empirical analysis on real and publicly available datasets shows very good out-of-sample performances of our model.


91G10 Portfolio theory
91B30 Risk theory, insurance (MSC2010)
91B06 Decision theory
60E15 Inequalities; stochastic orderings


OR-Library; TOMLAB


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