
A first-order primal-dual algorithm with linesearch. (English) Zbl 1390.49033

Summary: The paper proposes a linesearch for a primal-dual method. Each iteration of the linesearch requires an update of only the dual (or primal) variable. For many problems, in particular for regularized least squares, the linesearch does not require any additional matrix-vector multiplications. We prove convergence of the proposed method under standard assumptions. We also show an ergodic \(O(1/N)\) rate of convergence for our method. In the case when one or both of the prox-functions are strongly convex, we modify our basic method to get a better convergence rate. Finally, we propose a linesearch for a saddle-point problem with an additional smooth term. Several numerical experiments confirm the efficiency of our proposed methods.


49M29 Numerical methods involving duality
65K10 Numerical optimization and variational techniques
65Y20 Complexity and performance of numerical algorithms
90C25 Convex programming


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