
\(\Psi\)-epistemic quantum cosmology? (English) Zbl 1349.83065

Summary: This paper provides a prospectus for a new way of thinking about the wavefunction of the universe: a \(\Psi\)-epistemic quantum cosmology. We present a proposal that, if successfully implemented, would resolve the cosmological measurement problem and simultaneously allow us to think sensibly about probability and evolution in quantum cosmology. Our analysis draws upon recent work on the problem of time in quantum gravity and causally symmetric local hidden variable theories. Our conclusion weighs the strengths and weaknesses of the approach and points towards paths for future development.


83F05 Relativistic cosmology
81P05 General and philosophical questions in quantum theory
81P15 Quantum measurement theory, state operations, state preparations
81Q65 Alternative quantum mechanics (including hidden variables, etc.)
00A79 Physics


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