
Dark energy cosmology: the equivalent description via different theoretical models and cosmography tests. (English) Zbl 1314.83037

Summary: We review different dark energy cosmologies. In particular, we present the \(\varLambda\)CDM cosmology, Little Rip and Pseudo-Rip universes, the phantom and quintessence cosmologies with Type I, II, III and IV finite-time future singularities and non-singular dark energy universes. In the first part, we explain the \(\varLambda\)CDM model and well-established observational tests which constrain the current cosmic acceleration. After that, we investigate the dark fluid universe where a fluid has quite general equation of state (EoS) [including inhomogeneous or imperfect EoS]. All the above dark energy cosmologies for different fluids are explicitly realized, and their properties are also explored. It is shown that all the above dark energy universes may mimic the \(\varLambda\)CDM model currently, consistent with the recent observational data. Furthermore, special attention is paid to the equivalence of different dark energy models. We consider single and multiple scalar field theories, tachyon scalar theory and holographic dark energy as models for current acceleration with the features of quintessence/phantom cosmology, and demonstrate their equivalence to the corresponding fluid descriptions. In the second part, we study another equivalent class of dark energy models which includes \(F(R)\) gravity as well as \(F(R)\) Hořava-Lifshitz gravity and the teleparallel \(f(T)\) gravity. The cosmology of such models representing the \(\varLambda\)CDM-like universe or the accelerating expansion with the quintessence/phantom nature is described. Finally, we approach the problem of testing dark energy and alternative gravity models to general relativity by cosmography. We show that degeneration among parameters can be removed by accurate data analysis of large data samples and also present the examples.


83D05 Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einstein’s, including asymmetric field theories
83F05 Relativistic cosmology
83C55 Macroscopic interaction of the gravitational field with matter (hydrodynamics, etc.)
83C05 Einstein’s equations (general structure, canonical formalism, Cauchy problems)
83C75 Space-time singularities, cosmic censorship, etc.


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