
Lifting monogenic cubic fields to monogenic sextic fields. (English) Zbl 1237.11045

The sextic field \(K=Q(\vartheta)\) with \(\vartheta\) satisfying \(x^6+ax^4+bx^2+e=0\) is said to be the lift of the cubic field \(C=Q(\alpha)\) with \(\alpha\) satisfying \(x^3+ax^2+bx+e=0\). For \(e=\pm 1\) the authors investigate monogenic cubic fields whose lift is also monogenic. There are eight Galois groups of sextic fields when this is possible. For five of these Galois groups infinitely many monogenic sextic fields are obtained this way, while for the remaining three Galois groups only finitely many. This result is an important contribution to the theory of monogenic fields.


11R04 Algebraic numbers; rings of algebraic integers
11R16 Cubic and quartic extensions
11R21 Other number fields
11R32 Galois theory