
An adaptive overlay network inspired by social behaviour. (English) Zbl 1233.68044

Summary: Nature is a great source of inspiration for scientists, because natural systems seem to be able to find the best way to solve a given problem by using simple and robust mechanisms. Studying complex natural systems, scientists usually find that simple local dynamics lead to sophisticated macroscopic structures and behaviour. It seems that some kind of local interaction rules naturally allow the system to auto-organize itself as an efficient and robust structure, which can easily solve different tasks. Examples of such complex systems are social networks, where a small set of basic interaction rules leads to a relatively robust and efficient communication structure. In this paper, we present PROSA, a semantic peer-to-peer (P2P) overlay network inspired by social dynamics. The way queries are forwarded and links among peers are established in PROSA resemble the way people ask other people for collaboration, help or information. Behaving as a social network of peers, PROSA naturally evolves to a small world, where all peers can be reached in a fast and efficient way. The underlying algorithm used for query forwarding, based only on local choices, is both reliable and effective: peers sharing similar resources are eventually connected with each other, allowing queries to be successfully answered in a really small amount of time. The resulting emergent structure can guarantee fast responses and good query recall.


68M14 Distributed systems


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