
Pairing-based cryptography – Pairing 2008. Second international conference, Egham, UK, September 1–3, 2008. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 1155.94002

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5209. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 978-3-540-85503-3/pbk). xi, 377 p. (2008).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference has been reviewed (see Zbl 1119.94003).
Indexed articles:
Chen, Liqun; Morrissey, Paul; Smart, Nigel P., Pairings in trusted computing, 1-17 [Zbl 1186.94431]
Hess, Florian, Pairing lattices, 18-38 [Zbl 1186.94444]
Boyen, Xavier, The uber-assumption family. A unified complexity framework for bilinear groups, 39-56 [Zbl 1186.94427]
Okamoto, Tatsuaki; Takashima, Katsuyuki, Homomorphic encryption and signatures from vector decomposition, 57-74 [Zbl 1186.94464]
Iovino, Vincenzo; Persiano, Giuseppe, Hidden-vector encryption with groups of prime order, 75-88 [Zbl 1186.94449]
Vercauteren, Frederik, The hidden root problem, 89-99 [Zbl 1186.94474]
Bröker, Reinier; Charles, Denis; Lauter, Kristin, Evaluating large degree isogenies and applications to pairing based cryptography, 100-112 [Zbl 1186.94428]
Eisenträger, Kirsten; Jetchev, Dimitar; Lauter, Kristin, Computing the Cassels pairing on Kolyvagin classes in the Shafarevich-Tate group, 113-125 [Zbl 1186.94436]
Kachisa, Ezekiel J.; Schaefer, Edward F.; Scott, Michael, Constructing Brezing-Weng pairing-friendly elliptic curves using elements in the cyclotomic field, 126-135 [Zbl 1186.94451]
Tanaka, Satoru; Nakamula, Ken, Constructing pairing-friendly elliptic curves using factorization of cyclotomic polynomials, 136-145 [Zbl 1186.94473]
Freeman, David, A generalized Brezing-Weng algorithm for constructing pairing-friendly ordinary abelian varieties, 146-163 [Zbl 1186.94440]
Kawazoe, Mitsuru; Takahashi, Tetsuya, Pairing-friendly hyperelliptic curves with ordinary Jacobians of type \(y ^{2} = x ^{5} + ax\), 164-177 [Zbl 1186.94454]
Nogami, Yasuyuki; Akane, Masataka; Sakemi, Yumi; Kato, Hidehiro; Morikawa, Yoshitaka, Integer variable \(\chi \)-based Ate pairing, 178-191 [Zbl 1186.94463]
Das, M. Prem Laxman; Sarkar, Palash, Pairing computation on twisted Edwards form elliptic curves, 192-210 [Zbl 1186.94433]
Galbraith, Steven D.; Scott, Michael, Exponentiation in pairing-friendly groups using homomorphisms, 211-224 [Zbl 1186.94441]
Ravnshøj, Christian Robenhagen, Generators for the \(\ell \)-torsion subgroup of Jacobians of genus two curves, 225-242 [Zbl 1186.94467]
Fan, Xinxin; Gong, Guang; Jao, David, Speeding up pairing computations on genus 2 hyperelliptic curves with efficiently computable automorphisms, 243-264 [Zbl 1186.94438]
Galbraith, Steven D.; Lin, Xibin; Mireles Morales, David J., Pairings on hyperelliptic curves with a real model, 265-281 [Zbl 1186.11074]
Kawahara, Yuto; Aoki, Kazumaro; Takagi, Tsuyoshi, Faster implementation of \(\eta _{T }\) pairing over \(\text{GF}(3^{m })\) using minimum number of logical instructions for \(\text{GF}(3)\)-addition, 282-296 [Zbl 1186.94453]
Beuchat, Jean-Luc; Brisebarre, Nicolas; Detrey, Jérémie; Okamoto, Eiji; Rodríguez-Henríquez, Francisco, A comparison between hardware accelerators for the modified Tate pairing over \(\mathbb{F}_{2^m}\) and \(\mathbb{F}_{3^m}\), 297-315 [Zbl 1186.94424]
Gao, Wei; Wang, Guilin; Wang, Xueli; Li, Fei, One-round ID-based blind signature scheme without ROS assumption, 316-331 [Zbl 1186.94478]
Libert, Benoît; Vergnaud, Damien, Tracing malicious proxies in proxy re-encryption, 332-353 [Zbl 1186.94458]
Paterson, Kenneth G.; Srinivasan, Sriramkrishnan, Security and anonymity of identity-based encryption with multiple trusted authorities, 354-375 [Zbl 1186.94465]


94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory
94A60 Cryptography
00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest


Zbl 1119.94003
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