
A survey on the linear ordering problem for weighted or unweighted tournaments. (English) Zbl 1126.05052

A relation \(R\) defined on a finite set \(X\) of \(n\) elements (that may represent different teams or alternatives, for example) is a preference relation if for each pair of distinct elements \(u\) and \(v\) either \(uRv\) or \(vRu\), but not both. Let there be given a collection \(P\) of \(m\) preference relations on the same set \(X\). The general linear ordering problem is to determine a single linear order \(O\) with the property that the total number of disagreements between \(O\) and the preferences in \(P\) is minimized. (There may or may not be weights associated with the preferences to be taken into account.) The authors survey work done on various formulations of this and related problems, both when \(m=1\) and in general. In particular, they present complexity results and bounds and discuss various algorithms that have been developed for treating these problems.


05C20 Directed graphs (digraphs), tournaments
05C38 Paths and cycles
05C90 Applications of graph theory
06A05 Total orders
06A07 Combinatorics of partially ordered sets
68Q17 Computational difficulty of problems (lower bounds, completeness, difficulty of approximation, etc.)
90C10 Integer programming
90C27 Combinatorial optimization
90C35 Programming involving graphs or networks
90C57 Polyhedral combinatorics, branch-and-bound, branch-and-cut
90C59 Approximation methods and heuristics in mathematical programming


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