
Characterization of cyclotomic schemes and normal Schur rings over a cyclic group. (English. Russian original) Zbl 1056.20001

St. Petersbg. Math. J. 14, No. 2, 189-221 (2003); translation from Algebra Anal. 14, No. 2, 11-55 (2002).
Summary: It is well known that, in general, a cyclotomic scheme \(\mathcal C\) on a finite field \(\mathbb{F}\) cannot be characterized up to isomorphism by its intersection numbers. It is shown that the intersection numbers of some scheme \(\widehat{\mathcal C}^{(b)}\) on the \(b\)-fold Cartesian product of \(\mathbb{F}\) (\(b\) is the base number of the group \(\operatorname{Aut}({\mathcal C})\)) form a full set of invariants of \(\mathcal C\). It is important to note that \(b\leq 3\) for a proper \(\mathcal C\) and that the scheme \(\widehat{\mathcal C}^{(b)}\) can be defined for an arbitrary scheme \(\mathcal C\) (not necessarily cyclotomic) in a purely combinatorial way. The proof of the main result is based on a complete description of the normal Cayley rings and normal Schur rings (introduced in this paper) over a finite cyclic group. The technique developed here makes it possible to show that any Schur ring over a cyclic group that is different from the group ring has a nontrivial automorphism.


20B25 Finite automorphism groups of algebraic, geometric, or combinatorial structures
05E30 Association schemes, strongly regular graphs
13M05 Structure of finite commutative rings
20C05 Group rings of finite groups and their modules (group-theoretic aspects)