
Towards aggregated answers for semistructured data. (English) Zbl 1047.68557

Van den Bussche, Jan (ed.) et al., Database theory - ICDT 2001. 8th international conference, London, GB, January 4–6, 2001. Proceedings. Berlin: Springer (ISBN 3-540-41456-8). Lect. Notes Comput. Sci. 1973, 346-360 (2001).
Summary: Semistructured data are used to model data transferred on the Web for applications such as e-commerce, biomolecular biology, document management, linguistics, thesauri and ontologies. They are formalized as trees or more generally as (multi-)graphs. Query languages for semistructured data have been proposed that, like SQL, can be seen as involving a number of variables, but, in contrast to SQL, give rise to arrange the variables in trees or graphs reflecting the structure of the semistructured data to be retrieved. Leaving aside the “construct” parts of queries, answers can be formalized as mappings represented as tuples, hence called answer tuples, that assign database nodes to query variables. These answer tuples underly the semistructured data delivered as answers.
For the entire collection see [Zbl 0953.00043].


68P05 Data structures
68P15 Database theory