
A general limit theorem for recursive algorithms and combinatorial structures. (English) Zbl 1041.60024

Limit laws of vector-valued recursive equations \(X_n=\sum_{r=1} A_n^r X_{I_r^n}^r+b_n^n\) are proved via the contraction method. The Zolotarev \(\xi_s\)-metric provides under suitable conditions a limit law \(X\) of \(X_n\). In contrary to Mallows \(\ell_P\)-metrics the Zolotarev metrics include the normal law as limit law and also limit laws, when the accompanying stochastic fixed point equation is degenerate. This is achieved by an accompanying sequence of rvs satisfying approximately the recursion. The Zolotarev metric allows also local limit laws. Many examples show the strength of this approach.
Reviewer: Uwe Rösler (Kiel)


60F05 Central limit and other weak theorems
68P10 Searching and sorting
60F25 \(L^p\)-limit theorems
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