
Prime rings with finiteness properties on one-sided ideals. (English) Zbl 1013.16013

Let \(R\) be a prime ring with extended centroid \(C\), \(T\) a nonzero right ideal of \(R\), and \(f\in C\{X_1,\dots,X_t\}\) with constant term zero so that \(f\) is not central valued on \(RC\). Let \(f(T)\) denote the additive subgroup of \(RC\) generated by all evaluations of \(f\) using elements from \(T\). The author proves that if \(\dim_Cf(T)C\) is finite, then \(\dim_CRC\) is finite, and if \(f(T)\neq 0\) is finite, then \(R\) is finite. In particular if \([T,T]\) is finite, or more generally if \(f=[x,y]_m=[[x,y]_{m-1},y]\) and \(f(T)\) is finite, then \(R\) is commutative or finite.


16N60 Prime and semiprime associative rings
16P10 Finite rings and finite-dimensional associative algebras
16R40 Identities other than those of matrices over commutative rings
16U70 Center, normalizer (invariant elements) (associative rings and algebras)
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