
Meta-heuristics. Advances and trends in local search paradigms for optimization. 2nd Meta-Heuristics international conference (MIC-97), Sophia-Antipolis, France, July 21-24, 1997. (English) Zbl 0930.00082

Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. xii, 511 p. (1999).

Show indexed articles as search result.

The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The preceding conference (1st, 1995) has been reviewed (see Zbl 0869.00056).
Indexed articles:
Baar, Tonius; Brucker, Peter; Knust, Sigrid, Tabu search algorithms and lower bounds for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem, 1-18 [Zbl 1074.90563]
Brandão, José, Metaheuristic for the vehicle routing problem with time windows, 19-36 [Zbl 0968.90039]
Cavique, Luis; Rego, César; Themido, Isabel, New heuristic algorithms for the crew scheduling problem, 37-47 [Zbl 0972.90027]
Chelouah, Rachid; Siarry, Patrick, Enhanced continuous tabu search: an algorithm for optimizing multiminima functions, 49-61 [Zbl 1073.90578]
De Backer, Bruno; Furnon, Vincent, Local search in constraint programming: Experiments with tabu search on the vehicle routing problem, 63-76 [Zbl 0972.90014]
Dorne, Raphaël; Hao, Jin-Kao, Tabu search for graph coloring, \(T\)-colorings and set \(T\)-colorings, 77-92 [Zbl 0972.90061]
Glover, Fred; Kochenberger, Gary; Alidaee, Bahram; Amini, Mohammed M., Tabu search with critical event memory: An enhanced application for binary quadratic programs, 93-109 [Zbl 0972.90053]
Kincaid, Rex K.; Padula, Sharon L., Actuator selection for the control of multi-frequency noise in aircraft interiors, 111-124 [Zbl 0970.90043]
Lodi, Andrea; Martello, Silvano; Vigo, Daniele, Neighborhood search algorithm for the guillotine non-oriented two-dimensional bin packing problem, 125-139 [Zbl 0970.90079]
Løkketangen, Arne; Glover, Fred, Candidate list and exploration strategies for solving 0/1 MIP problems using a pivot neighborhood, 141-154 [Zbl 0970.90078]
Mechti, Redouane; Poujade, Stephane; Roucairol, Catherine; Lemarié, Bernard, Global and local moves in tabu search: A real-life mail collecting application, 155-174 [Zbl 0968.90040]
Nowicki, Eugeniusz; Smutnicki, Czesław, Flow line scheduling by tabu search, 175-189 [Zbl 0970.90033]
Allen, Stuart M.; Hurley, Steve; Smith, Derek H.; Thiel, Stefan U., Using lower bounds in minimum span frequency assignment, 191-204 [Zbl 0970.90041]
Ben Abdelaziz, Foued; Krichen, Saoussen; Chaouachi, Jouhaina, A hybrid heuristic for multiobjective knapsack problems, 205-212 [Zbl 0970.90068]
Greistorfer, Peter, Hybrid genetic tabu search for a cyclic scheduling problem, 213-229 [Zbl 0970.90032]
Derigs, Ulrich; Kabath, Martin; Zils, Markus, Adaptive genetic algorithms: A methodology for dynamic autoconfiguration of genetic search algorithms, 231-248 [Zbl 0972.90060]
Falkenauer, Emanuel, The lavish ordering genetic algorithm, 249-256 [Zbl 0970.90072]
Fonlupt, Cyril; Robilliard, Denis; Preux, Philippe; Talbi, El-Ghazali, Fitness landscapes and performance of meta-heuristics, 257-268 [Zbl 0970.90074]
Riff, María-Cristina, A network-based adaptive evolutionary algorithm for constraint satisfaction problems, 269-283 [Zbl 0970.90080]
Bullnheimer, Bernd; Hartl, Richard F.; Strauss, Christine, Applying the ant system to the vehicle routing problem, 285-296 [Zbl 0970.90019]
Sondergeld, Lutz; Voß, Stefan, Cooperative intelligent search using adaptive memory techniques, 297-312 [Zbl 0985.90078]
Stützle, Thomas; Hoos, Holger, The max-min ant system and local search for combinatorial optimization problems, 313-329 [Zbl 0970.90083]
Crainic, Teodor Gabriel; Gendreau, Michel, Towards an evolutionary method – cooperating multi-thread parallel tabu search hybrid, 331-344 [Zbl 0970.90121]
Talbi, El-Ghazali; Hafidi, Zouhir; Geib, Jean-Marc, Parallel tabu search for large optimization problems, 345-358 [Zbl 0970.90124]
ten Eikelder, Huub M. M.; Aarts, Bas J. M.; Verhoeven, Marco G. A.; Aarts, Emile H. L., Sequential and parallel local search algorithms for job shop scheduling, 359-371 [Zbl 0970.90066]
Toulouse, Michel; Crainic, Teodor Gabriel; Sansó, Brunilde, An experimental study of systemic behavior of cooperative search algorithms, 373-392 [Zbl 0970.90084]
Andresol, Ricardo; Gendreau, Michel; Potvin, Jean-Yves, A Hopfield-tank neural network model for the generalized traveling salesman problem, 393-402 [Zbl 0972.90057]
Fleischer, Mark A., Generalized cybernetic optimization: Solving continuous variable problems, 403-418 [Zbl 0972.90062]
Galinier, Philippe; Hao, Jin-Kao, Solving the progressive party problem by local search, 419-432 [Zbl 0985.90077]
Hansen, Pierre; Mladenović, Nenad, An introduction to variable neighborhood search, 433-458 [Zbl 0985.90095]
Yagiura, Mutsunori; Yamaguchi, Takashi; Ibaraki, Toshihide, A variable depth search algorithm for the generalized assignment problem, 459-471 [Zbl 0985.90079]
Kilby, Philip; Prosser, Patrick; Shaw, Paul, Guided local search for the vehicle routing problem with time windows, 473-486 [Zbl 0985.90019]
Rolland, Erik; Patterson, Raymond A.; Pirkul, Hasan, Memory adaptive reasoning & greedy assignment techniques for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem, 487-498 [Zbl 0970.90081]
Woodruff, David L., A chunking based selection strategy for integrating meta-heuristics with branch and bound, 499-511 [Zbl 0970.90125]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
90-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming


Zbl 0869.00056