
Advances in cryptology - CRYPTO ’94. 14th annual international cryptology conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 21-25, 1994. Proceedings. (English) Zbl 0856.00052

Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 839. Berlin: Springer. xii, 439 p. (1994).

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The articles of this volume will be reviewed individually. The 13th conference (1992) has been announced (see Zbl 0856.00053).
Indexed articles:
Matsui, Mitsuru, The first experimental cryptanalysis of the Data Encryption Standard, 1-11 [Zbl 0939.94551]
Ohta, Kazuo; Aoki, Kazumaro, Linear cryptanalysis of the Fast Data Encipherment Algorithm, 12-16 [Zbl 0939.94533]
Langford, Susan K.; Hellman, Martin E., Differential-linear cryptanalysis, 17-25 [Zbl 0939.94524]
Kaliski, Burton S. jun.; Robshaw, M. J. B., Linear cryptanalysis using multiple approximations, 26-39 [Zbl 0939.94534]
Tillich, Jean-Pierre; Zémor, Gilles, Hashing with \(\mathrm{SL}_2\), 40-49 [Zbl 0939.94527]
Chao, Jinhui; Tanada, Kazuo; Tsujii, Shigeo, Design of elliptic curves with controllable lower boundary of extension degree for reduction attacks, 50-55 [Zbl 0939.94561]
Biehl, Ingrid; Buchmann, Johannes; Thiel, Christoph, Cryptographic protocols based on discrete logarithms in real-quadratic orders, 56-60 [Zbl 0939.94520]
Okamoto, Tatsuaki, Designated confirmer signatures and public-key encryption are equivalent, 61-74 [Zbl 0939.94522]
Bleichenbacher, Daniel; Maurer, Ueli M., Directed acyclic graphs, one-way functions and digital signatures, 75-82 [Zbl 0939.94525]
Delos, Olivier; Quisquater, Jean-Jacques, An indentity-based signature scheme with bounded life-span, 83-94 [Zbl 0939.94510]
Lim, Chae Hoon; Lee, Pil Joong, More flexible exponentiation with precomputation, 95-107 [Zbl 0939.94537]
Horváth, Tamás; Magliveras, Spyros S.; van Trung, Tran, A parallel permutation multiplier for a PGM crypto-chip, 108-113 [Zbl 0939.94506]
Davis, Don; Ihaka, Ross; Fenstermacher, Philip, Cryptographic randomness from air turbulence in disk drives, 114-120 [Zbl 0939.94521]
Gehrmann, Christian, Cryptanalysis of the Gemmell and Naor multiround authentication protocol, 121-128 [Zbl 0939.94519]
Krawczyk, Hugo, LFSR-based hashing and authentication, 129-139 [Zbl 0939.94567]
Kurosawa, Kaoru, New bound on authentication code with arbitration, 140-149 [Zbl 0939.94568]
Blundo, Carlo; De Santis, Alfredo; Di Crescenzo, Giovanni; Gaggia, Antonio Giorgio; Vaccaro, Ugo, Multi-secret sharing schemes, 150-163 [Zbl 0939.94538]
Stern, Jacques, Designing identification schemes with keys of short size, 164-173 [Zbl 0939.94523]
Cramer, Ronald; Damgård, Ivan; Schoenmakers, Berry, Proofs of partial knowledge and simplified design of witness hiding protocols, 174-187 [Zbl 0939.94546]
Itoh, Toshiya; Ohta, Yuji; Shizuya, Hiroki, Language dependent secure bit commitment, 188-201 [Zbl 0939.94531]
Girault, Marc; Stern, Jacques, On the length of cryptographic hash-values used in identification schemes, 202-215 [Zbl 0939.94541]
Bellare, Mihir; Goldreich, Oded; Goldwasser, Shafi, Incremental cryptography: The case of hashing and signing, 216-233 [Zbl 0939.94530]
Dwork, Cynthia; Naor, Moni, An efficient existentially unforgeable signature scheme and its applications, 234-246 [Zbl 0939.94509]
Bierbrauer, Jürgen; Gopalakrishnan, K.; Stinson, D. R., Bounds for resilient functions and orthogonal arrays, 247-256 [Zbl 0939.94513]
Chor, Benny; Fiat, Amos; Naor, Moni, Tracing traitors, 257-270 [Zbl 0939.94555]
Maurer, Ueli M., Towards the equivalence of breaking the Diffie-Hellman protocol and computing discrete logarithms, 271-281 [Zbl 0939.94564]
Mihailescu, Preda, Fast generation of provable primes using search in arithmetic progressions, 282-293 [Zbl 0939.94526]
Coppersmith, Don, Attack on the cryptographic scheme NIKS-TAS, 294-307 [Zbl 0939.94511]
Burmester, Mike, On the risk of opening distributed keys, 308-317 [Zbl 0939.94543]
Beth, Th.; Lazic, D. E.; Mathias, A., Cryptanalysis of cryptosystems based on remote chaos replication, 318-331 [Zbl 0939.94517]
Massey, James L.; Serconek, Shirlei, A Fourier transform approach to the linear complexity of nonlinearly filtered sequences, 332-340 [Zbl 0939.94562]
Bellare, Mihir; Kilian, Joe; Rogaway, Phillip, The security of cipher block chaining, 341-358 [Zbl 0939.94554]
Gilbert, Henri; Chauvaud, Pascal, A chosen plaintext attack of the 16-round Khufu cryptosystem, 359-368 [Zbl 0939.94504]
Tsunoo, Yukiyasu; Okamoto, Eiji; Uyematsu, Tomohiko, Ciphertext only attack for one-way function of the MAP using one ciphertext, 369-382 [Zbl 0939.94514]
Seberry, Jennifer; Zhang, Xian-Mo; Zheng, Yuliang, Pitfalls in designing substitution boxes, 383-396 [Zbl 0939.94545]
Kushilevitz, Eyal; Rosén, Adi, A randomness-rounds tradeoff in private computation, 397-410 [Zbl 0939.94507]
Sako, Kazue; Kilian, Joe, Secure voting using partially compatible homomorphisms, 411-424 [Zbl 0939.94569]
Canetti, Ran; Herzberg, Amir, Maintaining security in the presence of transient faults, 425-438 [Zbl 0939.94536]


00B25 Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specific interest
94-06 Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. pertaining to information and communication theory
94A60 Cryptography