
Gaussian quadrature inference for multicarrier continuous-variable quantum key distribution. (English) Zbl 07899090

Summary: A multicarrier continuous-variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) protocol utilizes Gaussian subcarrier quantum continuous variables (CV) for information transmission. Here, we propose the Gaussian quadrature inference (GQI) method for multicarrier continuous-variable quantum key distribution. The GQI framework provides a minimal error estimate of the quadratures of the CV quantum states from the measured noisy subcarrier variables. GQI utilizes the fundamentals of regularization theory and statistical information processing. We characterize GQI for multicarrier CVQKD, and define a method for the statistical modeling and processing of noisy Gaussian subcarrier quadratures. We introduce the terms statistical secret key rate and statistical private classical information. The framework can be established in an arbitrary CVQKD protocol and measurement setting, and implementable by standard low-complexity statistical functions.


81-XX Quantum theory


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