
Elementary, constructive proofs of the theorems of Farkas, Minkowski and Weyl. (English) Zbl 0718.52005

Economic decision-making: games, econometrics and optimisation, Contrib. in Honour of J. H. Drèze, 427-432 (1990).
[For the entire collection see Zbl 0707.00031.]
We recall that for points \(x_ 1,...,x_ n\) in \({\mathbb{R}}^ d\), \[ pos(x_ 1,...,x_ n)=\{\sum^{n}_{i=1}\lambda_ ix_ i| \lambda_ i\geq 0\text{ for } i=1,...,n\} \] is their positive hull; furthermore, \(pos(x_ 1,...,x_ n)\) is a closed convex cone (Farkas’s theorem) and the intersection of a finite number of half-spaces whose bounding hyperplanes pass through the origin (Weyl’s theorem).
The author presents a nice detailed analysis with elementary and constructive proofs of these results along with that of Minkowski for convex polyhedral cones.


52A20 Convex sets in \(n\) dimensions (including convex hypersurfaces)
52B11 \(n\)-dimensional polytopes


Zbl 0707.00031