
Schur modules over wild, finite-dimensional path algebras with three simple modules. (English) Zbl 0701.16012

Let k be a field, \(A=k\Delta\) be the path algebra of a finite connected quiver \(\Delta\) without oriented cycles and A-mod the category of finite dimensional left A-modules. Let n be the number of vertices of \(\Delta\). A module Z in A-mod is called a Schur module if End Z\(=k\) and \(Ext^ 1_ A(Z,Z)=0\). The set of isoclasses of Schur modules carries the structure of a simplicial complex, where an i-simplex is an \((i+1)\) element set \(\{M_ 0,...,M_ i\}\) of Schur modules with \(Ext^ 1_ A(M_ j,M_ s)=0\) for \(0\leq j,s\leq i\). If A is representation-finite or tame, or \(n=2\), then all Schur modules are known. The author considers the case when A is wild and \(n=3\). The unknown Schur modules in this case are the DTr-sincere ones, that is, the Schur modules Z such that \((DTr)^ sZ\) is sincere for all integers s. The main theorem shows that, for a DTr-sincere Schur module Z from A-mod, there exists an integer r and a uniquely determined chain of Schur modules in A-mod \((DTr)^ rZ=Y_ m\to Y_{m-1}\to...\to Y_ 1\to Y_ 0,\) where \(Y_ 0\) is a regular Schur module over a quotient \(A'=A/<e>\) of A by the ideal \(<e>\) generated by a primitive idempotent e, the modules \(Y_ i\), \(1\leq i\leq m\), are DTr-sincere and \(Y_{i-1}\) is simple injective in the left perpendicular category \(^{\perp}Y_ i\) of \(Y_ i\). This gives an effective way of constructing all Schur modules in A-mod (up to DTr- translates) and all simplices of the simplicial complex of Schur modules in A-mod containing a given Schur module. The main tools used in the paper are the perpendicular categories of Schur modules and tilting theory.


16G20 Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets
16P10 Finite rings and finite-dimensional associative algebras
16D80 Other classes of modules and ideals in associative algebras
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