
Separation of motions by the method of integral manifolds. (Разделение движений методом интегральных многообразий.) (Russian) Zbl 0657.70002

Moskva: Nauka. 256 p. R. 3.8 (1988).
The central topic of the book is a detailed and careful study of mathematical models of mechanical systems of the gyroscopic type, based in a large extent on the authors’ own research. Main mathematical tools are integral manifolds, whose theory is sketched in chapter one. In the course of exposition the authors systematically use the method of the decomposition of a gyroscopic motion into a “rapid” and a “slow component”: most of their results have been obtained by an application of this technique. The power of the approach is extremely convincingly demonstrated by the solution of the problem of stabilization of a rotating body, by the elegant treatment of the dynamics of rigid bodies and gyroscopes and last but not least by a description of the dynamics of a spherical damper.
To make a long story short, this beautiful little monograph provides the (Russian-reading) specialist with much new material.


70-02 Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to mechanics of particles and systems
70E05 Motion of the gyroscope