
Corps différentiels et modules des variétés algébriques. (Differential fields and moduli of algebraic varieties). (French) Zbl 0597.14018

Some results of Kolchin, Matsuda and Nishioka concerning algebraic curves whose function field is a differential extension of their field of definition, are extended to the case of algebraic surfaces and abelian varieties. Let \(A\subset {\mathbb{C}}^ r\) be open and connected, \(\delta_ i\) the canonical derivations, \(1\leq i\leq r\), Mer(A) the field of meromorphic functions on A. A pair \(K\subset L\) of subfields of Mer(A) containing \({\mathbb{C}}\), such that \(\delta_ i(K)\subset K\), \(\delta_ i(L)\subset L\), is called a differential extension in Mer(A). Let \(A^*\subset A\), \(K^*\subset L^*\) be a differential extension in \(Mer(A^*)\) and such that \(K\subset K^*\), \(L\subset L^*\) are finite extensions, then we say that \(K\subset L\) is embedded in \(K^*\subset L^*\). Now let V be a K-variety and L its function field, \(n=\dim (V)\), W a smooth projective model of \(L\otimes_ K\bar K\) over \(\bar K;\) \(\kappa\), q and \(\alpha\) denote respectively Kodaira dimension, irregularity and Albanese dimension of W. \(K\subset L\) is called an extension of Fuchsian type if \(\delta_ j({\mathcal O}_{V,x})\subset {\mathcal O}_{V,x}\) for every \(x\in V\) and all j. For such an extension we have \(\kappa =-\infty\) if \(n\geq 1\) and \(q=0\) (Theorem 2). An extension \(K\subset L\) is called an extension of Kolchin type if there exists an abelian variety \({\mathbb{C}}^ n/\Lambda\), \(A^*\subset A\) and meromorphic functions \(\beta_ 1,...,\beta_ n\) on A such that \(\delta_ i\beta_ j\subset K\) and L/K is generated by functions of the form \(\psi (\beta_ 1,...,\beta_ n)\) where \(\psi \in Mer({\mathbb{C}}^ n)\) is abelian with respect to \(\Lambda\)- these extensions play an important rôle in Kolchin’s theory of differential fields. Theorem 1 gives a number of sufficient conditions for an extension of Fuchsian type to be embeddable in an extension of Kolchin type, namely (a) \(n\leq 2,\) \(\kappa\neq - \infty\), \((b)\quad n=3,\) \(\kappa =0\), (c) \(n=3,\) \(\kappa\geq 1\), \(\alpha\neq 3\), (d) L is the function field of an abelian K-variety. A sufficient condition for a differential extension \(K\subset L\), where L is the function field of an abelian K-variety, to be an extension of Fuchsian type is the following: The group of differential K-automorphisms of L is not finite.
Reviewer: K.Kiyek


14H05 Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry
14K10 Algebraic moduli of abelian varieties, classification
12H05 Differential algebra
11R58 Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields