Wikidata:Property proposal/value is more specific than

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value is more specific than


value is subclass of that of


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

Descriptionthis value is more specific than that of the parent (super)class or broader class; the parent (super)class or broader class has the same property statement, and the relation between this value and the value in the superclass is subclass of (P279) (To be used in a source field)
Data typeItem
Domainany item with subclass of (P279) or part of (P361)
Allowed valuessuperclasses or broader classes of the subject item (subject item is a subclass of (P279) or part of (P361) of the value)
Example 1
⟨ mitral valve disease (Q18557136)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩ anatomical location (P927) View with SQID ⟨ mitral valve (Q369939)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩
value is subclass of that of Search ⟨ heart valve disease (Q1130519) ⟩

(Note that mitral valve disease (Q18557136) is a subclass of heart valve disease (Q1130519), and the P927 value of mitral valve disease (Q18557136) is a subclass of the P927 value of heart valve disease (Q1130519) (mitral valve (Q369939) subclass of (P279) heart valve (Q215620)))
Example 2
(Note that finding by heart auscultation (Q30078856) is a subclass of finding by auscultation (Q30079797), and the P5134 value of finding by heart auscultation (Q30078856) is a subclass of the P5134 value of finding by auscultation (Q30079797) (heart auscultation (Q30078800) subclass of (P279) auscultation (Q779054)))
Example 3
(Note that set of imaginary numbers (Q47310259) is a part of set of complex numbers (Q26851286), and the P2670 value of set of imaginary numbers (Q47310259) is a subclass of the P2670 value of set of complex numbers (Q26851286) (imaginary number (Q9165172) subclass of (P279) complex number (Q11567)))
Example 4
⟨ hydrogen fluoride (Q2468)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩ has part(s) (P527) View with SQID ⟨ fluorine (Q650)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩
value is subclass of that of Search ⟨ hydrogen halide (Q1572088) ⟩

(Note that hydrogen fluoride (Q2468) is a subclass of fluorine (Q650), and the P527 value of hydrogen fluoride (Q2468) is a subclass of the P527 value of hydrogen halide (Q1572088) (fluorine (Q650) subclass of (P279) halogens (Q19605)))
See alsoWikidata:Property proposal/value is inherited from

value is part of that of


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

Descriptionthis value is more specific than that of the parent (super)class or broader class; the parent (super)class or broader class has the same property statement, and the relation between this value and the value in the superclass is part of (P361) (To be used in a source field)
Data typeItem
Domainany item with subclass of (P279) or part of (P361)
Allowed valuessuperclasses or broader classes of the subject item (subject item is a subclass of (P279) or part of (P361) of the value)
Example 1
⟨ lung cancer (Q47912)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩ anatomical location (P927) View with SQID ⟨ human lung (Q2640512)  View with Reasonator View with SQID ⟩
value is part of that of Search ⟨ respiratory system cancer (Q7315926) ⟩

(Note that lung cancer (Q47912) is a subclass of respiratory system cancer (Q7315926), and the P927 value of stomach cancer (Q189588) is a part of the P927 value of stomach disease (Q175827) (human lung (Q2640512) part of (P361) respiratory system (Q7891)))
Example 2
(Note that lung lobe development (Q21170946) is a part of lung development (Q14327711), and the P927 value of lung lobe development (Q21170946) is a part of the P927 value of lung development (Q14327711) (pulmonary lobe (Q7259536) part of (P361) lung (Q7886)))
Example 3MISSING
See alsoWikidata:Property proposal/value is inherited from



In many cases, there are similar tree structures among parallel concepts. These proposed qualifiers are useful to explicitly clarify these relationships, and to check if the relation is broken. See also Wikidata:Property proposal/value is inherited from.

Doc James
Daniel Mietchen
Andrew Su
Pavel Dušek
Chris Mungall
Netha Hussain
Abhijeet Safai
Shani Evenstein
ZI Jony
The Anome
Ameer Fauri

Notified participants of WikiProject Medicine: These qualifiers are especially useful to describe medical concepts. --Okkn (talk) 15:10, 20 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

As per Pasleim's suggestion, we would deal with this property as a source property, instead of qualifiers. So I chaged the description. --Okkn (talk) 12:20, 12 September 2018 (UTC)[reply]


subclass of
Normal rank respiratory system cancer
0 references
add reference
Normal rank lung disease
0 references
add reference

add value
If we have qualifiers "value is subclass/part of that of" and "value is inherited from", the anatomical location (P927) claim in lung cancer (Q47912) can be represented as follow:
anatomical location
Normal rank human lung
value is inherited from lung disease
value is part of that of respiratory system cancer
0 references
add reference

add value
By doing so, we can explicitly declare the detailed relationships between the subject class and its superclasses, i.e. everyone can understand why respiratory system cancer (Q7315926) is a broader concepts than lung cancer (Q47912).
Of course if the data are complete, this information can be automatically generated. But practically, data are sometimes missed or changed mistakenly. We can detect not only ①mistakenly removing or changing of P279 claims in the subject class, but also ② mistakenly removing or changing of some inherited values in the superclass, by using these qualifiers. When editing in the superclass, we sometimes fail to notice the existence of subclasses, and in order to resolve interwiki conflicts or to fix the wrong external IDs, we would change some values. These qualifiers prevent us from causing mismatching in P279 claims in the subclasses.
However, we must beware that any bot should not automatically change these qualifiers according to the changes in the superclass. --Okkn (talk) 06:02, 21 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]

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 Comment My first impression also is that it looks complicated, and does not seem to be adding new information. It may help in adding robustness, but I can't really say if this would be worth it. Would this be used as a qualifier? - Brya (talk) 04:54, 24 August 2018 (UTC)[reply]