
Ashes2Caches on AO3


The Official Blog for the Rad Infinitum series on AO3 (Asks are Open) (She/Her) (Sandwich Enjoyer)(🏳️‍⚧️)

The twelfth chapter of Rad Infinitum’s third arc, The Confucian Republic, is now on AO3 (It’s officially over 217k words now!)

If you like sentient robots, transgender themes, and theology that would get you excommunicated then I think you might enjoy this series I’ve been working on. The first and second arc have already been written and are up for you to read in their entirety. Go check it out if you have the time.

Also, I can’t thank y’all enough for the recent boost in viewership I’ve been noticing, I really love to see it! :)

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