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Corporate Social Responsibility
Shops along main street, Galena Illinois

Building on a legacy of rural innovation

At Microsoft, we believe in the people of rural America and that technology can enable these communities to take us into the future.

Partnering for impact

The members of a community best understand their own needs. Microsoft works closely with local business, nonprofit, and government partners to help expand opportunity and accelerate progress. Some of our partners include:

Supporting what matters

Every community in America should have access to good jobs, high-quality education and reliable healthcare. Microsoft offers technology, programs and partnerships to help empower local innovation in a changing economy.

Expanding access to in-demand jobs

Workers and entrepreneurs in rural communities face extra challenges when it comes to business funding, technology training, and mentorship. We are partnering locally to help create growth and technology jobs.

Investing in education

Living outside of a large urban area shouldn’t limit access to a future-ready education. Through local partnerships and programs, Microsoft is helping extend opportunities for students, particularly in math, science and computer science (CS).

Empowering healthy communities

A healthy economy depends on a healthy society. We’re committed to equipping rural healthcare systems with the technology and support needed to help communities thrive.
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Digital access in your community

Millions of Americans lack broadband access, especially in rural America. Our Airband Initiative is partnering across the US to extend affordable broadband access to more communities.
Mother and daughter working on a laptop in a rural home setting

Addressing local priorities

Stories about issues impacting rural America

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