Free Wi-Fi

Free Wi-Fi FAQs

Your favorite meal comes with free Wi-Fi.

Use our free Wi-Fi to get some work done, check your email, or connect with friends. Access the Internet on laptops or mobile devices at more than 11,500 participating restaurants with Wi-Fi, always free of charge. So grab a McCafé® Latte and log on. The Wi-Fi is on us! Find a McDonald’s near you.

How Do I Connect to McDonald’s Wi-Fi?

When you are within range of a McDonald’s restaurant free Wi-Fi network, navigate to your device’s Wi-Fi settings. You will need to accept the terms of agreement in order to connect.

How Do I Connect my iPhone to McDonald's Wi-Fi?

If your device settings are turned to connect to networks automatically, you will see a McDonald’s Wi-Fi pop-up with terms of agreement. Accept the terms to continue and connect.

If your device is not set up to connect to networks automatically, navigate to your Wi-Fi settings and select the McDonald’s network. You will need to accept the terms of agreement to continue.

Do I Need a McDonald’s Login to Sign into McDonald’s Wi-Fi?

No, you will not need a special login. Simply accept the terms of agreement in order to sign into McDonald’s Wi-Fi.

How Do I Connect my Android to McDonald's Wi-Fi?

Follow the standard Android procedure for connecting to Wi-Fi networks. You will need to accept the terms of agreement in order to connect to McDonald’s free Wi-Fi.

Do All McDonald's Have Free Wi-Fi?

Most restaurants offer free Wi-Fi. However, some owner-operators may choose to disable the service, and each location may have its own terms and limitations of use.

How Fast is McDonald's Wi-Fi?

Speed may vary from restaurant to restaurant based on bandwidth availability. Free Wi-Fi is capped to the lowest network prioritization.

Who Provides McDonald's Wi-Fi?

AT&T is our carrier of choice.

I'm Having Trouble Connecting to McDonald's Wi-Fi.

Make sure to select the correct Wi-Fi network and to accept the terms of agreement.

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