Author picture

Fiona Patton

Author of The Stone Prince

23+ Works 1,276 Members 14 Reviews 1 Favorited


Works by Fiona Patton

The Stone Prince (1997) 421 copies, 10 reviews
The Painter Knight (1998) 293 copies, 1 review
The Granite Shield (1999) 197 copies
The Golden Sword (2001) 164 copies, 1 review
The Silver Lake (2005) 112 copies, 1 review
The Golden Tower (2008) 50 copies, 1 review
The Shining City (2011) 21 copies
Haven's Own (2008) 2 copies
The Trade 1 copy

Associated Works

Sun in Glory and Other Tales of Valdemar (2003) — Contributor — 1,059 copies, 12 reviews
Crossroads and Other Tales of Valdemar (2005) — Contributor — 830 copies, 9 reviews
Moving Targets and Other Tales of Valdemar (2008) — Contributor — 617 copies, 12 reviews
Changing the World: All-New Tales of Valdemar (2009) — Contributor — 534 copies, 18 reviews
Finding the Way and Other Tales of Valdemar (2010) — Contributor — 394 copies, 11 reviews
Under the Vale and Other Tales of Valdemar (2011) — Contributor — 312 copies, 9 reviews
DAW 30th Anniversary Fantasy Anthology (2002) — Contributor — 307 copies, 2 reviews
Elemental Magic (2012) — Contributor — 254 copies, 8 reviews
No True Way: All-New Tales of Valdemar (2014) — Contributor — 251 copies, 9 reviews
Elementary (2013) — Contributor — 245 copies, 7 reviews
Crucible: All-New Tales of Valdemar (2015) — Contributor — 201 copies, 6 reviews
Tempest: All-New Tales of Valdemar (2016) — Contributor — 181 copies, 5 reviews
Fantasy Gone Wrong (2006) — Contributor — 176 copies, 9 reviews
If I Were An Evil Overlord (2007) — Contributor — 168 copies, 9 reviews
Assassin Fantastic (2001) — Contributor — 168 copies, 1 review
Pathways: All-New Tales of Valdemar (2017) — Contributor — 141 copies, 3 reviews
Women of War (2005) — Contributor — 135 copies, 1 review
Choices: All-New Tales of Valdemar (2018) — Contributor — 118 copies, 4 reviews
Passages (2020) — Contributor — 116 copies, 4 reviews
Seasons: All-New Tales of Valdemar (2019) — Contributor — 110 copies, 4 reviews
Magical Beginnings (2003) — Contributor — 102 copies, 1 review
Maiden, Matron, Crone (2005) — Contributor — 97 copies, 1 review
Boundaries: All-New Tales of Valdemar (2021) — Contributor — 95 copies, 5 reviews
Knight Fantastic (2002) — Contributor — 93 copies, 1 review
Villains Victorious (2001) — Contributor — 93 copies, 1 review
Shenanigans (2022) — Contributor — 83 copies, 4 reviews
Little Red Riding Hood in the Big Bad City (2004) — Contributor — 78 copies, 3 reviews
Once Upon a Galaxy (2002) — Contributor — 76 copies, 2 reviews
Sirius The Dog Star (2004) — Contributor — 68 copies, 1 review
Warrior Fantastic (2000) — Contributor — 66 copies
The Dimension Next Door (2008) — Contributor — 64 copies, 1 review
Pharaoh Fantastic (2002) — Contributor — 63 copies
Apprentice Fantastic (2002) — Contributor — 60 copies
Children of Magic (2006) — Contributor — 59 copies, 2 reviews
Zombie Raccoons & Killer Bunnies (2009) — Contributor — 59 copies, 4 reviews
By the Light of Camelot (2018) — Contributor — 58 copies, 32 reviews
The Mutant Files (2001) — Contributor — 57 copies, 1 review
Camelot Fantastic (1998) — Contributor — 54 copies, 2 reviews
Imaginary Friends (2008) — Contributor — 54 copies, 7 reviews
Oceans of Magic (2001) — Contributor — 51 copies
The Repentant (2003) — Contributor — 47 copies, 1 review
Mythspring: From the Lyrics and Legends of Canada (2006) — Contributor — 47 copies
Mob Magic (1998) — Contributor — 41 copies, 2 reviews
Fellowship Fantastic (2008) — Contributor — 38 copies
Army of the Fantastic (2007) — Contributor — 38 copies, 3 reviews
Slipstreams (2006) — Contributor — 37 copies
Human for a Day (2011) — Contributor — 36 copies, 1 review
Bless Your Mechanical Heart (2014) — Contributor — 33 copies, 3 reviews
The Bakka anthology (2002) — Contributor — 22 copies
Over the Rainbow: Folk and Fairy Tales from the Margins (2018) — Contributor — 2 copies


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Common Knowledge



Ignore what the book blurb says, this is really a story about Prince Demnor's personal journey from being a curious and sensitive child to a teenager dealing with between him and his mother to a country's proud ruler. All that stuff about Heathland and rebellion is really only a small part of the book. The plot moves slowly with lots of focus on the characters' inner thoughts and motivations, and plenty of flashbacks to give us the background on how Demnor became who he is now. The multiple POVs the story was told through meant we got to see different perspectives on the same scene, and I really like the fact that we were shown the villain's perspective as well. Overall, I enjoyed this book although I did at times wish the plot had a little more action.… (more)
serru | 9 other reviews | Oct 6, 2022 |
Over long and dull. A perfect book for learning how *not* to write a novel, sadly. There is a decent story, but it's buried under the overwhelming detail of the history Ms. Patton has come up with for her book. It's nice to have the background, but it over takes the main plot at times and makes it really hard see what she's driving at. This book could have used some of the lighter touches of Tanya Huff.
fuzzipueo | 9 other reviews | Apr 24, 2022 |
When I purchased this book, I did not notice the date it was published. I thought it was maybe 5-10 years old based on the amount books in the series (not sure how I thought that considering the cover design, but I did). Once I started reading it, I quickly realized it was older than I thought. That is not meant to be derogatory in any way. The theme, scope and world building of this novel simply has an older feel to it. It's definitely a sword and sorcery novel, draws heavily on British history in the world building, particularly the tensions between the scots and the brits and the protestants and the catholics. I'm not going to expose my lack of British history by attempting to point to any particular years, battles or monarchs that are used as a jumping off point. There is, unsurprisingly, glorification of battle and several characters clearly think violence is foreplay (think "honorable" violence like a duel or watching a fight not abuse). There is a high emphasis on honor, loyalty, and fealty.

The writing, plot and characterizations are quite solid and generally fall in line with what you might expect from a fantasy book of it's era with two notable exceptions that allows this book to stand out even today. Gender equality. This is a world where for the most part, gender discrimination does not seem to exist. People are treated the same regardless of gender. The same titles are used (expect in one case where a cleric is referred to as Sister), a Prince is a prince whether male or female, a priest is a priest. There is also a form of free love. One of the ways the society prevents unwanted pregnancies (if you are going to have gender equality in women going to war, this is key), the nobility have contracts with same gender courtesans (called companions). Some are in love with their companions, some simply use them for sex, and some companions are also contracted and nurses and nannies. There is in general quite a positive attitude to sex and love. This is not however, a steamy, sexy read. Any and all sex is fade to black (which personally I am ok with)

What keeps this from being five stars is that it definitely is pre Sanderson's law and there is some religious/sorcerous shannigans happening during some of the battle scenes that felt unsatisfactory to me due to being heavy on the symbolism and mysticism and light on the mythology and logic behind it. It's definitely the style of the time it was published, if this book was a recent novel, there might be more of an explanation on the mechanics of the sorcery or more focus on characters with sorcerous powers.

All in all, this was a solid 4 stars. Definitely recommend for readers looking for some fantasy with gay sub plot and not a gay romance set in a fantasy world (the second seems much easier to find). Also, for fans of sword and sorcery fantasy and for readers tired of patriarchal fantasy and interested in a different perspective on gender norms.
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Sam_Ash | 9 other reviews | Jan 7, 2021 |
This book was intense. There was political intrigue, war, romance. Everything. My mind is still swimming. I was expecting an interesting read but I wasn't expecting a new book for my favourites list.

The writing is good. The story flows very well and the language isn't too much or lacking. The characters are all pretty fresh and interesting. I fell in INSTANT love with Kelahnus. He was literally everything in this book for me. My enjoyment of the book was literally hinging on how his story progressed. I cried a few times because of him. Everyone else was pretty awesome too. Even the evil guys. I love how Patton shows so many POVs. Normally, I hate that with a passion but she does a really great job. Sometimes it goes into omniscient narrator but that never takes away from the book; only adds.

I described this book as "recklessly cute" as I was reading it. (Cute is my umbrella term for everything awesome, cool and badass.) Like, people do some really irresponsible stuff in this book but it all flies. Patton is magical in her character portrayal that way. I was even feeling for the bad guys. I mean, they kinda make sense a bit, you know?

I definitely recommend this book. Though, I would say steel yourself for the ride, if you're prone to emotional overwhelming like I am.
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Isana | 9 other reviews | Jul 7, 2020 |



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