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Joy Hakim

Author of From Colonies to Country

56 Works 12,157 Members 63 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Joy Hakim is a Michener Prize-winning author who has previously worked as a teacher, editor, and reporter. Her unique approach to historic writing reflects her steadfast commitment to promoting critical thinking and literacy.
Image credit: Joy Hakim. Photo copied from an interview on Education World.


Works by Joy Hakim

From Colonies to Country (1993) 1,133 copies, 9 reviews
Making Thirteen Colonies (1993) 1,129 copies, 4 reviews
The First Americans (1993) 1,057 copies, 7 reviews
The New Nation (1994) 1,027 copies, 4 reviews
War, Terrible War (1994) 901 copies, 3 reviews
All the People (1993) 899 copies, 2 reviews
An Age of Extremes (1993) 893 copies, 4 reviews
War, Peace, and All That Jazz (1993) 859 copies, 5 reviews
Liberty for All? (1993) 855 copies, 3 reviews
Reconstruction and Reform (1993) 642 copies, 3 reviews
Aristotle Leads the Way (2004) 511 copies, 12 reviews
Freedom: A History of US (2002) 408 copies
Newton at the Center (2005) 383 copies, 2 reviews
A History of US, 11-Volume Set (1993) 97 copies, 2 reviews
A History of US, 10-Volume Set (1995) 58 copies, 1 review
History of the US, A 2 copies, 1 review


Common Knowledge



Thousands of years ago--way before Christopher Columbus set sail--wandering tribes of hunters made their way from Asia across the Bering land bridge to North America. They didn't know it, but they had discovered a New World. "The First Americans" is a fascinating re-creation of pre-Columbian Native American life, and it's an adventure of a lifetime! Hunt seals with the Inuit; harvest corn on a cliff-top mesa; hunt the mighty buffalo; and set sail with Leif Erickson, Columbus, and all the early great explorers--Cabot, Balboa, Ponce de Leon, Cortes, Henry the Navigator, and more--in this brilliantly told story of America before it was America.… (more)
PlumfieldCH | 6 other reviews | Sep 19, 2024 |
Presents the history of the United States from when the seeds of liberty were planted in 1735 through the American Revolution.
PlumfieldCH | 8 other reviews | Sep 19, 2024 |
There are a few good things about this book and several bad. To start with the good things. First, it is quite handsomely manufactured. Second, it has rather well-chosen illustrations. Third, it gives prominence to certain people, events, and topics that are often undeservedly overlooked. Fourth, it is nice to look at.

Proceeding to the bad, though. First, it uses the present tense for the past, and ends up using the future for the past as well. This is, no doubt, to give the book a sense of immediacy for younger readers, but it is annoying. Second, some of the captions are mistaken, and this should not have happened. On page 2, there is a carving of Gilgamesh and Enkidu slaying Humbaba which is described as "Stone Age". The Stone Age was well over by the time that carving was made. Third, in the introduction, in the second paragraph there is a quotation from a book by Karen Armstrong, who according to the book's description of her, is a Catholic who writes theology or is a person who writes Catholic theology. It is very strange to call out this person by name, when the quotation is used to make a minor point, in the very second paragraph of the introduction, no less. Something is up, but what?… (more)
themulhern | Aug 30, 2024 |
One of my most favorite books... and sadly out of print. But, if you want to interest anyone in history, from ages 10-90, this series is the way to go. Told like an action novel with a wry hindsight, this book will teach and amuse at the same time.
OutOfTheBestBooks | 8 other reviews | Sep 24, 2021 |



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