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Standout cover photos: Choose your route’s cover photo on mobile and share it with the community


August 9, 2024

Once upon a time—okay, up until July 2024—it wasn’t easy to choose a specific cover photo for your completed route when on mobile. Oops! Now we’ve updated the photo upload feature and given control over to you, where it belongs. This simple but powerful update will see more inspiring hikes, rides, and runs in the home feed and help everyone get out more on cool adventures.

How do you do it? After you’ve finished recording—or at any time from …

Worldwide Collections: In your language, wherever you go


July 8, 2024

Now you can find thousands of route Collections and multi-day adventures in your language even when you travel abroad. We’ve used AI to help us translate a huge volume of carefully curated Collections, so you can explore like a local wherever you go.   

To browse Collections, just head to the Routes tab and search for the location you’re interested in. Then scroll down through the routes that appear to see a list of local Collections. …

Great grit! Now find ready-made gravel rides at the touch of a button


June 25, 2024

Not sure where to take that sweet gravel bike? You can now find gravel routes on komoot, ready and waiting for your next ride. Head to the Routes tab to select ‘Gravel riding’ as your sport and start perusing the trails. Use the Filter menu to adjust for distance, elevation, and other options, like opting for a circular ride.  

Because gravel riding terrain is different in every region and every country, our suggested gravel routes are based on …

The MTB route planner just graduated from its master’s program so it’s time to hit the trails

Route Planner

June 14, 2024

There are two types of people in the world: Those who wing it, and those who gather all the information and make a plan. Our MTB router is now the perfect blend of both. It’s got the style of the see-what-happens folk, but the background planning of the local trail legend — full of knowledge on the exact trails to take for the best, most whoop-inducing ride. 

With improved trail knowledge and the ability to understand more intricate map data, …

Navigating road, gravel, and touring rides is now smoother and elicits more unadulterated joy

Route Planner

June 7, 2024

We’ve been spring cleaning and tweaking komoot’s routing features to minimize disruptions to your adventure and add even more flow into your rides. 

Sometimes the router tries a little too hard to direct you along the nicest road or take a more efficient route. While its intentions are good, it’s been known to shortcut a hairpin in favor of… well… leading you across a car park. Because we never want to cheat a cyclist out of a beautiful hairpin,

Stick to smoother tarmac for added road riding bliss

Route Planner

June 7, 2024

We’ve tweaked the route planner so it now more intelligently judges road surfaces. This is great news for roadies, as you’ll be routed on smoother roads and have less chance of being deviated onto something that bike tourers and gravel riders would prefer. Extra smooth, extra fun.

Now discover multi-day bikepacking routes the same way you find any other Tours

May 10, 2024

There are tons of fantastic bikepacking routes on komoot and we’ve updated the Tour search to make them easier to find. Now, when you select ‘bikepacking’ as your sport in the search criteria, the routes will appear on the map. You can adjust the filters to select the number of days, type of bike, and distance from where you search. Looking for a 3-day route within 50 miles of London? No problem. 

When you tap a bikepacking route on mobile, …

Oh, hello! Find Tours and plan your own adventures from the new ‘Routes’ tab

Route Planner

May 3, 2024

Behind the scenes here the improvements never stop, and we’re excited to show you the latest boost to adventure finding on komoot. 

There’s a new menu layout in town and it’s the pretty face of improved usability, more logical route finding, and a boat load of smaller tweaks that, when grouped together, equal a seriously slick user experience. Kind of like the best hike you’ve ever done, with views, snacks, friends, surprise sights, and a smile …

Build the habit of adventure with the new streak

May 1, 2024

You’ll now see your streak in your komoot profile, helping you build the habit of adventure. 

Your streak is the number of weeks in a row you’ve recorded or uploaded an activity of 15 minutes or more, or multiple activities that add up to at least 15 minutes over the week. Why 15 minutes? The adventure streak isn’t about who can spend the most time outdoors or who can do the most distance. Instead, it’s a nudge to remind you to head outside …

You can now use sport-specific maps on your Garmin device when you have komoot Premium


April 30, 2024

When you use the komoot map on your Garmin® device and have komoot Premium, you’ll now see the same sport-specific markings as you do when planning. This means official cycle, MTB, and hiking routes; MTB difficulty markers; and trailmarkers (on-trail directional marking or symbols, e.g. the Camino de Santiago scallop) will show up on your Garmin smartwatch or bike computer, depending on what sport you’re doing. This helps you better keep an

Celebrate comments you like by tapping the heart icon


April 17, 2024

You’ve been able to tap the heart icon on Tours and Collections for a while, but now we’ve added this icon to comments as well. This useful little social feature means you can show your appreciation for individual comments.  Just tap the icon beneath a comment to like it. Plus, if you’re on Android, you can also double-tap the comment to do the same. Tap the icon again to remove your like at any time. 

Interested to see who else has liked a …

Record on your Apple Watch and see your Tours on komoot


April 17, 2024

When you connect your Apple Health account with your komoot profile, you’ll now be able to see all your completed activities in komoot. This is a great way to see all your adventures in one place, share your hikes, rides, and runs from Apple on komoot, and add photos to your Tours. Got Apple Health? Just head to the Connections section of your komoot settings to get started.