Insidious: A Última Chave

  • Brasil Sobrenatural: A Última Chave (mais)
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The creative minds behind the hit Insidious franchise bring you the most horrifying chapter of the series, Insidious: The Last Key. In this gripping Blumhouse film, Lin Shaye reprises her role as parapsychologist Dr. Elise Rainier, who returns to her family home to face the unrelenting demons that have plagued her since childhood. Accompanied by her two investigative partners, Specs and Tucker, Elise must delve deeper into the Further to unlock the mystery and destroy her greatest fear. (Sony Pictures Home Entertainment)


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inglês Plotwise, it tries to do something a bit more interesting than a banal and tiresome third instalment, and that’s probably this sequel’s main virtue. Adam Robitel is clearly a much weaker director than his predecessors and the execution of the moments that make up the story are mostly tortuous and naive. This time, the duo of funny demon hunters are really out of place, their attempts at humour are more embarrassing than before and they simply don’t match the relatively serious chords this episode tries to play. I’m hesitating between two and three stars. This time I think I’ll leave it at three, but, please, no more sequels. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês The weakest part. It's nice that this time the film focuses on Lin Shaye and her past, but I found it absolutely devoid of atmosphere, not a single jump-scare worked, the finale seemed very short and I didn't find the exorcism colleagues very funny. Visually it's classy and still more watchable than most other horror movies, but for me a useless episode that just recycles, doesn't scare and doesn't really entertain much. 55% ()



todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês It’s quite obvious that Hollywood producers want to squeeze as much as possible out of the Insidious brand. Ghost movies are currently in, so why not. It’s nice that they kept all the actors so it doesn’t feel as if they were merely borrowing the brand name. As far as reviews go, I must give it a lower rating because it’s still the same old stuff all over again. There’s an interesting story that shows the very beginnings of the main character’s journey. There’s a whole lot of good jump-scares and the atmosphere is very decent. The “funny” bits in the form of the main character’s two minions are more of a shortcoming, but if you enjoy these kinds of movies, this one won’t disappoint you. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês And so ends our comedy. Evil loses and good lives. I can see a tear in your eye, madam, that life is not like the stage. It's the other way around in our lives. There the good man weeps, crooked souls take the top. But as I say on every journey: the world will be better if we work at it. It's useless to sob, pray a Hail Mary, it's all up to you, to us, and especially to you on the left! ____ And after years of hardship, it finally looks like our whole arduous journey together with the Insidious series has come to the bitter, boring, stupid end that was suggested from the start. And I hope that promise will be kept. Of course, the latest installment brings virtually nothing new, except perhaps one more interesting twist with the nature of the visions the protagonist had in his youth. The rest is once again a travesty divided into some four days and five nights, where we're supposed to take a break from having something screaming at us all the time during the day after silent tracking shots in the dark. In order to destroy the illusion of a daytime safe space, of course, a completely unnecessary and unjustified jump-scare is sprung on us in broad daylight. I tried to at least enjoy the classic horror props or the nice ugliness of the main bad guy, but it's just not possible when you have to constantly count on the fact that at any moment a thing can suddenly fly into the film frame and scream horribly. The goofy esoteric mythology doesn't hold up, and the overacting characters are awfully reminiscent of the static figures in The Watchtower. The promise of never having to see Lin Shaye act again is quite worth the last episode, though. ()


todas as críticas do utilizador

inglês Insidious: The Last Key is a bit of a softening of the series, the scary moments are not always great and sometimes you feel that it's all simply for effect and the real horror has somehow disappeared from the film. It's a bit reminiscent of the more entertaining episodes of Supernatural, in which there are also moments of horror. But that doesn't change the fact that it's still a very good and above-average horror film. ()

Galeria (23)