Gru, Dru i Minionki

  • Stany Zjednoczone Despicable Me 3 (więcej)
Zwiastun 2


Po wyrzuceniu z Ligi Antyzłoczyńców – bowiem nie potrafił schwytać Balthazara Bratta, superzbira zagrażającego ludzkości – Gru popada w głęboki kryzys tożsamości. Kiedy tajemniczy nieznajomy powiadamia go, że ma brata bliźniaka marzącego, by pójść drogą zła, którą on właśnie opuścił, były superzbir Gru przypomni sobie, jak dobrze być złym. (Filmostrada)


Recenzje (6)



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski It's not as successful as the second installment, but it has its own idea, a new character who is quite good, and above all, a great 80s look that appealed to me, especially because the film featured some pretty good music tracks again. I had a great time as well. I hadn't been to an outdoor movie theater in a long time, so this was a nice opportunity. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Despicable Me 3 actually rivaled Ralph Breaks the Internet in terms of nostalgia, and where there was interest in returning to childhood, it fully succeeded. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski More enjoyable than last time. The humor isn't as affectedly wry, the story nicely brings the whole villainous ("bad guy") family together, the 80s disco bad guy is as menacing as his haircut... and the whole thing looks great – which is not just a compliment to the animation, but more importantly to the imaginative direction. I'd really like it if the creators of this villain were to be put in charge of, say, a Marvel movie one day. ()



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The first two episodes of Despicable Me were noticeably and qualitatively better, there is no doubt about that (at least for me). Like some of the users here, it bothered me that Gru is no longer a pure villain, and that the film deals too much with family matters, which sort of kills the charm of the first two. Even the Minions aren't as funny as they used to be. I have to admit, though, that I laughed a few times, and besides that I really liked the soundtrack, but even so, this film made a strong mediocre impression on me, which was not saved by the presence of the twin brother Dru or the imaginative personality of the villain Balthazar Bratt. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The creators failed to pull this one off. The first star goes to the excellent animation, and the second one to the 80s soundtrack. To be honest, the film got downright boring at times. I might have enjoyed it if I were a child, but the creators couldn’t care less about adult audience this time. The Minions were adorably wacky in the previous installments. This time they were just dull. I felt like I had seen it all before, and I wasn’t impressed by BatGru and SpermDru either. ()