Gniazdo pająka

Zwiastun 2


Podczas szalejącej burzy śnieżnej tajemniczy obiekt spada z nieba i przebija ścianę nowojorskiego apartamentowca. Zawiera on jajo, z którego wykluwa się nieznany gatunek pająka. Stworzenie zostaje odkryte przez dwunastoletnią Charlottę, która w tajemnicy przed rodzicami ukrywa swoje znalezisko. Dokarmiany przez nią pająk szybko rozrasta się do gigantycznych rozmiarów, a jego apetyt pozostaje nienasycony. Kiedy w budynku zaczynają ginąć zwierzęta i ludzie, Charlotta i jej bliscy stają do nierównej walki z wygłodniałą bestią. Czy mają jakiekolwiek szanse w starciu z obcą istotą, która posmakowała już krwi i ludzkiego mięsa? (Kino Świat)


Recenzje (2)



wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski Charlotte's Web. A loving nod to everything from Arachnophobia to Duplex with Stiller, and even the Alien series, which from the very beginning doesn’t hide its B-movie nature with the aim of entertaining through its characters. While young Ripley crawling through the ventilation with a naphthalene gun emerges from the shell of a spoiled brat with opinions, the dimwitted Grandma Helga doesn’t need to change. Being out of it is sometimes an advantage, especially when a pack of black dogs is approaching. ()


wszystkie recenzje użytkownika

angielski The creators of Wyrmwood have already delivered us the second spider of this year, which is presented in a more light-hearted way and unfortunately doesn't give much trouble to arachnophobics, in this Infested was more aggressive and successful and here they could have tightened up in many things, but for sure Sting won't offend. Once again we have a block of flats, lots of people, and one egg from outer space that turns out to be a spider with an ever-increasing appetite. The little spider was pretty exotic, and the scene where it crawls into a woman and starts messing around in her body was solid, but it was not enough to make it the gore scene of the year, they could have gone three times bigger here. It's more reminiscent of the monster horror B-movies of the 90's, which have a lighter touch and it doesn't totally matter, it's just that the humour doesn't quite work and the kills are rather out of frame, it could do with more intense kills because the atmosphere doesn't really work and the fear of the spider even less so. Watchable and enjoyable, but I won't scratch for a higher rating. Infested was elsewhere. 60% ()