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Het is nu 1924, twee jaar na de Epsom Derby. Voor het publieke oog runt Tommy de paardenracebaan en verkoopt hij auto's. In het geheim werkt hij voor Winston Churchill. (Netflix)

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Recensie (3)


alle recensies van de gebruiker (over deze serie)

Engels I liked Season 3 as a whole more than the previous one despite the terrible opening episode. It took me a while to get used to the change of setting. Eventually, I did, as all the characters were still major scumbags. The individual episodes seemed more balanced compared to the second season. The main villain was a priest, which I greatly appreciated. Although the women in the Shelby family got on my nerves towards the end, they sure did stir up the relationship between the brothers. ()


alle recensies van de gebruiker (over deze serie)

Engels The Shelby family is clearly benefiting from being dealt higher cards and climbing up the food chain. The natural growth in technical quality thanks to the audience success of the previous episodes is a matter of course, and so the third season delivers a a truly great gangster drama, with a style by the standards of the series. It’ll be very interesting to see what happens next. ()



alle recensies van de gebruiker (over deze serie)

Engels They say that the third time’s a charm, but honestly, I found the third season to be the weakest so far. That’s not to say it was bad at all, but compared to the previous ones, it was a noticeable drop in quality. I liked that the creators accelerated the progression of the storyline, but overall, the theme of the revolution didn’t captivate me. For six episodes, I couldn’t build a strong connection with the plot, which affected my rating and prevented it from climbing a few percentage points higher. The cast was still top-notch, and I was always impressed with the choice of antagonist (Considine shone in his role as the priest, though it’s a pity he didn’t get more screen time). The series is still driven by Cillian Murphy, whose performance continues to improve, though I feel he might have reached his limit. The atmosphere was as overwhelming as ever; the show creates such a realistic portrayal of Birmingham that you feel that the characters' problems are your own. The ending didn’t leave me as stunned as previous seasons. All in all, it's a drop in the story’s quality; let’s hope the fourth season doesn’t continue this downward trend because the series deserves better. I give the third season 74%. ()

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