Loki - Season 2

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az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol I had serious doubts that Loki would get a satisfying ending, but hats off. Why the title character does what he does was a mystery to me. The transformation from self-centered asshole to multiverse hero is ease and... a few thousand years later... quick. Hiddleston enjoys Loki immensely, especially in this new position as a TVA agent and not a god, but he manages to switch from comic goofing off to the Norse myth of Yggdrasil just fine. Majors is a chameleon of an actor, but he's still at his best in the position from the end of the first season. Wilson, Quan and Di Martino are all excellent, and each gets their space, but the exchanges between the two leads just aren't there. The middle episodes may be filler, but they are very important to character development and anyone who doesn't get that can safely lump themselves in with the Disney+ heads who wanted more and recruited the wimps who are to blame for the recent crap in the quality department. Quality, not quantity. Loki Season 2 shows that it can be done. Especially when smart execs like Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead take the reins. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol Honestly, I was pretty lost with all the time paradoxes for most of the season. The confusion peaked around the third or fourth episode. However, the finale was solid, and I have to admit that the finale pulled everything together nicely. Even though I still didn’t fully get it, it was worth the ride. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió (ehhez a tévésorozathoz)

angol The second season was fine, and again, it's something that even if you don't like it, you have to see it to be oriented in the next marvel world, otherwise you will get lost and not catch on anymore. But despite so many complimentary reviews, I didn't enjoy the second season as much as the first for a simple reason. Loki here simply loses whatever it was that made him Loki throughout the MCU. Suddenly, the cunning bad guy becomes a good guy who has lost his meanness completely, doesn't use his strengths in the form of illusions and manipulations, and is just a "positive character with no characteristics". The plot isn't terribly mind-blowing either, as this collapse of the multiverse is presented so abstractly, and by the time it all comes crashing down I was thinking "so what?" because the creators haven't shown us a single concrete, tangible consequence that would evoke emotion, and which would crush us by its fatality. For me, the whole series rode on a wave of mediocrity, and the ending puts Loki in a nice position that generates interest in further developments, but I wouldn't look for anything more than that and I simply don't see any greater merits here... ()