Gnizdo gorlytsi

  • Ukrajna Гніздо горлиці (több)


It is a story that resonates for a generation of Ukrainian women - working in a foreign land to build a better future for their family back home. However, where there may be financial rewards, the personal costs may be high. Ukrainian woman, Darynka is returning home after several years working in Italy. She left for Italy to find work to support her family in Bukovina in the central Eastern Carpathians of Ukraine. That work involves taking care of a wealthy Italian lawyer and his elderly mother. It is a lonely existence, she is totally dependent on her employers, the elderly woman treats her with disdain and the work is round the clock. The money offers her family an opportunity to escape the otherwise grinding poverty that would have marked their lives. It funds a new house, destined to be accommodation for visitors to this part of the Carpathian Mountains, her husband is building it, however he is doing it casually and slowly. However, while she was earning money abroad her family. (Yerevan International Film festival)


Recenziók (2)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Ordinary people in Ukraine have a hard time living and die easily, even when there is no war there, which is why many of them migrate to Italy for work. The movie The Nest of the Turtledove tells us about all this and the problems associated with it. I can't imagine what I would do if I found myself in such a hopeless situation as the main character Daryna. I'm sure I wouldn't be as calm as she is, even though I know freaking out wouldn't solve anything. In any case, it is an impressive movie which, in an unobtrusive way, made me think a little about the complexity of interpersonal relationships. (80%) ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I don’t envy the Ukrainians and their way of life. There's no other nation that travels west for work quite like they do. I understand that this journey comes with its own set of challenges. This film captures one such story, and it really surprised me with its dramatic depth. It's a fascinating piece that brings to life the struggles we often wonder about. Sad, poignant, and a perfect reflection of this nation’s hardships. ()