
Festői szépségű izlandi völgyben él a birkatenyésztő testvérpár, Gummi és Kiddi. Azonos életmódot élnek, azonos területen az ország legjobb vérvonalú, díjnyertes juhait tenyésztve, de ezek ellenére négy évtizede nem álltak szóba egymással. Amikor Kiddi birkáit végzetes betegség támadja meg, az egész völgy állattartása veszélybe kerül. Hogy a járványt megfékezzék, a hatóságok le akarják mészárolni az állatokat, ezzel pedig nemcsak a fő bevételi forrásuktól esnek el a férfiak, de az évszázadok alatt nemesített fajta is kihal. A két testvér felismeri, hogy csak úgy menthetik meg a jószágokat, ha ennyi évnyi haragtartás után újra összefognak. (Mozinet)


Recenziók (8)



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magyar Sheep happens. Jobban átérzed a Kosok filmet, ha valami kötődésed van Izland távolabbi vidékeihez. Érzékeny a karakterek és kapcsolataik ábrázolásában, finom az információközlésben, folyamatosan fenntartja a néző kíváncsiságát, gyakran szavak helyett gesztusokkal. A rendező ötletes ábrázolása a skandináv valóságról, az emberekről, akik számára elfogadhatatlan, hogy gazdaságukban génmódosított takarmányon nevelt juhot fogadjanak el. ()


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angol (50th KVIFF) Together with The Virgin Mountain, an Icelandic combo of old, sad fat men. A film about two quarrelling sheep-farming brothers who have lost their herds to scrapie. The extreme situation gradually forces them to exchange a few of words and re-evaluate their relationship. From Scandinavia I’m more used to dramedies than pure dramas, but watch out, Rams is really very serious and slow, and the humour is present only in trace amounts. More an emotional than a narrative film that filled me with melancholy and sadness. At home in front of the computer, it’d probably be boring, but on the festival screen it was engrossing. 80 % ()


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angol The Icelandic nature, once again, got deep under my skin. And what’s better, is that it was in the cinema for the first time, which I am incredibly grateful for. It can be once again seen how deeply and strongly the Icelandic nation is connected to nature. Rams are based on it and it definitely isn’t an easy movie to watch, quite the opposite. There isn’t much talking in the movie, which isn’t a bad thing, because everything else is handled by the luxurious camera and the Icelandic nature. But when the talking does start, it’s more or less very factual. Here and there an absurd joke appears, which is actually typical of Icelandic movies, and in the finale, the movie even creates some feelings, which are being stretched more and more until they collide with the poetic, but a pretty brutal conclusion. There is nothing more to add, this is a clear five-star affair, and once again, hats off for a great movie experience and presentation of something new and unusual in our world. ()


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angol Two rams reared by rams are forty years old and do not talk to each other until they are forced to do so by an infection that attacks their neighboring herds. A poetic drama about brothers who benefit from minimalist poetics, captivating landscapes, the creative cameras of the rising star Sturla Brandth Grøvlen, economical acting creations of bearded lonely people and typical Icelandic weird exotics. It ends up attempting to combine naturalism / symbolism in a conclusion that feels somewhat annoyingly didactic and amateur. But otherwise, given the competition from the Scandinavian closed dramas, Rams definitely belongs under the Cannes spotlights. [Cannes 2015] ()



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angol Eliciting pathos, canary level torture. Watching two overgrown elders, who at some points are hard to tell apart from their bleating protégés, lose everything they cared about and understood in life is a bit like watching Atreyu drowning his horse in a swamp for an hour and a half (AKA childhood ruined. Thanks Petersen). But then again, the austerity and first signal of the whole plot is quite meritorious, because I don't think I could survive a broader statement in this one. I'm glad it's down-to-earth, I'm glad it's "merely" telling a nice and sad story in the first and last lines. ()


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angol When two Aries sit in the hall and watch the Aries movie together, it can be quite entertaining even after the show, although this Icelandic work didn't bring much humor and if so, a bit bizarre or absurd. However, satisfaction prevails. ()


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angol At first glance, the film doesn't exactly pull you in with its plot. It’s about two feuding brothers who haven't spoken in 40 years, but are brought together by their shared love for the flock of sheep they care for. But underneath this is a quiet, strongly emotional gem that doesn't need words, nor does it waste them, to engage you. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's been a while since I've seen this chilling Nordic drama, but it's still vivid in my mind. This in itself shows that this is an extremely well-made movie, which also has a strong human story. If you like Icelandic cinema, you'll definitely find it to your liking. (90%) ()