
Ha kezd unalmassá válni a családi élet, fel kell kavarni az állóvizet. Rusty (Ed Helms) – két örökké veszekedő fiúgyermek apja – úgy érzi, valamit tennie kell végre a família boldogságért. Minden addigi szokást felrúgva a kezébe veszi az irányítást, és bejelenti: a család autóval indul nyaralni távoli céljuk felé – reméli, a közös autózás összerázza kicsit a családot. És össze is rázza. De nem kicsit. Út közben elképesztő kalandokon mennek keresztül, melyek során az életveszély a legkisebb baj. Sivatag, baleset, furcsa idegenek és még furcsább ismerősök között próbálja a meggyötört családfő a cél felé navigálni az egyre elgyötörtebb kompániát... (InterCom)


Videók (13)

Előzetes 1

Recenziók (5)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I watched the movie for a while without laughing once, and just when I was about to start watching something else, Christina Applegate really got going and she kept me entertained till the end. All three stars go to Christina. If she hadn't given such a great performance, there wouldn’t be anything worth rating. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol No, this comedy didn't completely win me over, but I have to say that considering American comedies are mostly dumb, this one actually has some genuinely funny moments. There's plenty of cringeworthy stuff here, but the bullying of the older brother is just perfect. Chevy Chase is tragic, which is a shame, but otherwise I had a lot of fun. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol This is definitely not a family comedy for kids! I wouldn't be surprised if they were handing out barf bags in cinemas, because some of the scenes really kick the gag reflex solidly, to the point where I'm surprised at such a positive general reception. As a horror connoisseur, I'm hardened and used to this sort of thing, so I laughed out loud at the comedy, though the scenes like the cannibal cow devouring the entrails of another cow, the attractive babe being hit by a truck or the bath in shit and corpses will rather gives viewers pause and send a thousand WTF signals to the brain. I liked the cameos of Keegan-Michael Key, Chevy Chase, Michael Peña, Norman Reedus and the great Chris Hemsworth, who enjoys his seductive role here to the fullest. Vacation undoubtedly has a rough, filthy, disgusting and even morbid style of humour and I had a great time. Not for everyone! 80% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol I liked that the writers went the official way and straight-up refer to the original Griswold family. We even got to see Beverly D'Angelo and Chevy Chase at the end, which has made me very happy. But those might be the biggest upsides, because apart from that, the movie is pretty boring. The first half is only funny because the ugliest car ever – Honda Tartan Prancer – makes an appearance. And they milk it as much as possible. As soon as the second half comes, the comedy starts to decline. It’s not like it’s not there at all, it just doesn’t have what it takes for me to say: “well done”. ()

Filmmaniak Boo!

az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An aggressively unpleasant film with an unimaginative and sloppy plot, unsuccessful and utterly embarrassing jokes, poorly-directed and miserable acting, and with a lot of self-serving and unnecessarily exaggerated vulgarities and distastefulness. The story is totally nonsensical and incoherent and breaks apart into a tangle of unrelated scenes in which desperately unsympathetic protagonists act like incompetent lunatics so that they can eventually end up in a mess of feces, vomit, or cow guts. The equivalent of comedy hell. ()

Galéria (47)