The Killing - Série 2

Krimi / Dráma / Misztikus
Egyesült Államok, 2012, 9 h 30 perc (Percek: 43–44 perc)


Veena Sud


Frans Bak


Mireille Enos, Joel Kinnaman, Billy Campbell, Michelle Forbes, Brent Sexton, Kristin Lehman, Eric Ladin, Jamie Anne Allman, Liam James, Evan Bird (több)
(további alkotók)



In this chilling and addictive crime series from writer, executive producer and show runner Veena Sud, the investigation into Seattle teenager Rosie Larsen's murder continues in Season 2. At the end of Season 1, Linden thought the case was closed; she could leave Rosie behind and turn her attention to the living. Suddenly, one phone call changed everything. The prime suspect, City Councilman Darren Richmond (Billy Campbell), may be innocent. Her partner, detective Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman), may be corrupt. And for the grief-stricken Larsen family, there may be worse revelations yet to come. The hunt for Rosie's killer is not over. (Mediumrare Entertainment)


Recenziók (1)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Two thirds of the second series, I thought it was weaker than the first series and that it unnecessarily dragged on, but the last third got me hooked and I binged several episodes in a row. All the pieces of the puzzle fit together nicely and as a viewer, I am satisfied. I am even more impatient and although I have to get up early tomorrow morning, I am going to watch the first episode of the third series to find out where it will go, because I have no idea. The end of the first series clearly opened the door to the second, but the end of the second seemed like everything was done and resolved. Let's do it. ()

Galéria (237)