
Lisa (Reese Witherspoon) szépen felépített élete romokban hever, amikor kiteszik a softball csapatból. Próbál beilleszkedni a normális életbe, és közben összejön a nőcsábász baseball sztárjátékossal, Mattyvel (Owen Wilson). A kezdeti nehézségek ellenére összeköltöznek, ám ekkor a lúzer George (Paul Rudd) képében felbukkan a harmadik. A fickó rossz passzban van, elhagyta a barátnője, ráadásul apja miatt szövetségi nyomozás folyik ellene. Mindezzel együtt mégis felettébb vonzó Lisa számára. Ettől kezdve a lány a két férfi között hánykódik, és nem tudja eldönteni, melyik az igazi. (InterCom)


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az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Next to You Again, How Do You Know is the second disappointment of this year in the field of romantic comedies. The biggest weakness of this promisingly cast film is the lack of any meaningful script that could catch the viewer's attention, at least for a while. At times, I really struggled not to fall into a micro-sleep, and the only dose of stimulating caffeine was the pleasantly goofy Paul Rudd, who overshadowed even my favourite Jack Nicholson (for which I blame much of the script's content). In short, the potential was certainly there (and not just because of the enticing cast), but its harnessing somehow fizzled out into obscurity, which in this case was a great shame. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Actually, nothing got me except the pink sweatpants of various sizes. It was unnecessarily long and plotless. I knew from the beginning who was supposed to be Mr. Right, but I didn't really know if I wanted them to get together. Short on magic, funny lines, and charisma... ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol There are too many bad comedies. There will be even more in this post of mine. Recently, there has been an increase in bad comedies with great actors. "Do you recognize when it comes?" is one of those disasters. Actors are to blame for it. Reese is terrible as a baseball player, but in which movie is she great? But do you think it's just her who brings down the film in this case? It's not like that at all. All the actors are to blame. Jack Nicholson was entrusted with the role of the character's father, portrayed by Paul Rudd. Jack didn't have the opportunity to show what he really is, but he doesn't get upset anyway. Paul Rudd is a different story. He plays a person who only a desperate woman could fall in love with. He is unpleasant, obsequious, whiny, boring, terrible to watch. It was really painful to watch him, and not even Owen Wilson, whom I didn't believe as a playboy, could alleviate it, even though, let's face it, out of the central trio, he is the best. Another problem is the fact that this is supposed to be a comedy, but there is only one joke, and I also think that a lot of people wouldn't even consider it funny. The world that is created here is completely illogical and senseless. When a man loses his job, the only thing he desires is a woman. If this society really works like that, thank heavens. More: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2012/09/rebelka-perfect-sense-sprosty-holky.html ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The last twenty minutes improved the final impression. Rudd's final declaration of love to Reese was very nice and the chemistry between them worked to perfection, but otherwise it was very underwhelming overall. Particularly in the first half, it plays with the viewer's patience, the screenwriting is more empty straw than it should be and the comedic timing of the scenes is completely off. The only thing I really enjoyed was the performances of the four stars. The only really good things were Paul Rudd, who killed in his role, and Whiterspoon and Wilson, who were very likeable. It's clear that such a strangely written story has a lot to live up to, but even so, Brooks's effort is clearly a disappointment. ()

Galéria (50)