
Egy sztársportoló is kerülhet nagyon mélyre. Ennél mélyebbre azonban biztosan nem. Paul Crewe (Adam Sandler) egykor az amerikai-foci-bajnokság ünnepelt játékosa volt, ma pedig csak egy a rabok közül. Igazi nehézfiúkkal összezárva tölti mindennapjait az Egyesült Államok egyik legjobban őrzött, legrosszabb körülmények között fenntartott börtönében. Ám a fegyencek között akad egy régi ismerős: az egykori edzője (Burt Reynolds) is itt tölti életfogytig tartó büntetését. A börtönigazgató bíztatására a rabok edzeni kezdenek, és a szedett-vedett társaság hamarosan kihívhatja legnagyobb ellenfelét, az őrök válogatottját. A pályára kifutó csapatok persze mindennél jobban gyűlölik egymást. Eddig sem vigyáztak a másik testi épségére, ám ami most a pályán folyik csak félig játék. (TV2)


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Recenziók (6)


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A sports gem from a time when Sandler's comedies were still a guarantee of quality, at least for his fans. The film moves at a tremendous pace from the swirl of the big city and stripped-down parties to the seedy prison wasteland and begins to focus on the most important thing: football – not the wonderful European sport where talent wins over strength, but let's not kid ourselves, to see a crowd of "five-star" black men or former wrestlers, cutting each other's heads off and making outrageous fun of themselves is simply great fun, notwithstanding the stupidity (disgusting cheerleaders, Rob Schneider) and one-sidedness (one player is overweight, so we laugh at him repeatedly) of some of the jokes. Anyway, the rest of the film, including the necessary dramatic overlay and with the generous contribution of Cromwell and Fichtner, works almost perfectly, and in the end we keep our fingers crossed for those rude, violent and mentally retarded individuals from the prisoners so convulsively that we wonder what they did to deserve it... Probably because The Longest Yard is simply a good film. 80% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A remake of a movie with the same title that was also in the meantime remade in Britain, but involving what I would call “real" football, in other words, soccer. This version with Sandler works quite well, while not being as good as the British Mean Machine, but thanks to the classic “MTV look" it is pleasant to look at and the picture’s pace is pretty solid, despite being on the long side. However, the movie lacks somebody with charisma, primarily Monk as played by Jason Statham. Without him, this really doesn’t work. ()



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A great ride combining two guaranteed functional issues: a prison and American football. I also liked the cast, with Adam Sandler acting for the first time perhaps, and a lot of bruisers (the film perhaps stars the biggest animals to see the cinematic world, only Jason Momoa and Dave Bautista are missing). I don't know why I put the movie off for so long, great comedy. 90% ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol It's too long and not very funny, but that's also what makes it interesting. There are moments here that I enjoyed precisely because they were quite serious, different from what is usual in Sandler's films. Yet, he still includes classic intriguing characters, although there aren't as many standout ones here compared to some of his other films. It's a shame, as I expected a bit more from this sports movie. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol A super comedy with impressive action scenes. Sandler rocks again. The whole gang of criminal footballers is simply excellent. And, surprisingly, that applies to Chris Rock too, who isn’t at all annoying, but in any case here he is treated as he usually deserves to be in other movies. ()

Galéria (61)

Kapcsolódó hírek

Paramount a Csontdaráló film remake-jét tervezi

Paramount a Csontdaráló film remake-jét tervezi


Jó remake-ből sosem elég, a rajongók pedig szinte ki vannak éhezve arra, hogy újra és újra láthassák kedvenc darabjaikat, csak egy teljesen más kivitelben. Legalábbis ezt gondolják a Paramount stúdió… (több)