Fire of Love

  • Kanada Fire of Love : Au coeur des volcans (több)
Előzetes 1
Kanada / Egyesült Államok, 2022, 93 perc


Sara Dosa


Shane Boris, Erin Casper, Sara Dosa


Pablo Alvarez


Nicolas Godin


Miranda July (narrátor), Katia Krafft (a. f.), Maurice Krafft (a. f.)
(további alkotók)

Streaming (1)


Katia and Maurice Krafft loved two things – each other, and volcanoes. For two decades, the daring French volcanologist couple were seduced by the thrill and danger of this elemental love triangle. (MUBI)

Recenziók (6)



az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol The documentary tells the story of two very nice French volcanologists who shared a passion for volcanoes and dedicated their lives to them. Thanks to their fearlessness, we are able to see unique and beautiful images of lava, volcanoes, eruptions... We also get to know Katia and Maurice and their relationship. I subconsciously expected the end that the story had, and I as a matter of fact felt satisfied. They spent their whole lives together doing what they loved, and that's how they passed. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

magyar Költői, filozofikus és egy kicsit romantikus. A rendezőnő a legtöbbet hozta ki az évtizedekkel ezelőtt véget ért vulkanológus-páros élettörténetéből, ráadásul egy szép lírai keretezéssel is hozzájárult. A házaspár szokatlan és nem teljesen biztonságos hobbijában, és abszolút partneri kötelékükben találja meg a sorsot és a küldetést. Boldog és kiteljesedett életutat. A párosról készült felvételek a tévéinterjúkból humorosak, a terepen, tűzhányó vulkánok közben készültek pedig érdekesek. És azok a képek, ahol csak néhány méterre állnak a lávafolyamtól, lélegzetelállítóak. "As in love, there are mysteries. You fall hard for what you know. Harder, for what you don’t." Egy film, ami megragad. ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Fascinating footage in an entertaining documentary about the relationship between two charismatic volcanologists who have experienced things none of us will. By the end, I cried more than with any other feature film in the last year. (56th KVIFF) ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol Fire of Love is a better romance, comedy, drama, disaster flick and thriller than most of the current cinematic fiction that tries to be classified as such. And yet it's "just" a documentary about two unique people with a unique story and even more unique archive of footage. The story of Katia and Maurice Krafft is bound to grab you by the heart and never let go. And I'm very curious to see how the identical material in Werner Herzog's take turns out in The Fire Within. This year it just came together. [KVIFF 2022] ()


az összes felhasználói recenzió

angol An extraordinarily compelling documentary about two courageous people who were united not only by their love for each other, but also by their love for the scientific study of volcanic eruptions, which was their life and fateful mission – undoubtedly a beautiful and fascinating hobby, just a bit unpredictable and full of pitfalls. While the vast majority of people run from this destructive element, Katia and Maurice Krafft tried to get as close as possible, and thanks to them, we can witness some incredibly beautiful and breathtaking footage. ()