
Haruko Abe is is the meteorologist for a morning TV show. She hates things she cannot predict, like love. The black cloak is an important part of her personal wardrobe. One day, Haruko meets Gota, a rookie detective, and starts to use her meteorological background to help the police investigate crimes from a new perspective. (texte officiel du distributeur)


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anglais At the beginning I thought it was a bunch of bullshit better suited to anime, but even though it only had 9 episodes, I slowly kind of fell in love with it and enjoyed it. A nice one week, one episode. It was hokey but at the same time terribly cute, and the characters weren't as awful as I thought they would be at first. I was nicely entertained, and it ended up being a very enjoyable time with Miss I-know-everything-about-the-weather and the rest. A relaxing unpretentious "whodunit" with the weather in the foreground. The ending was a bit weird, probably too Japanese, but what can you do; on the other hand, Miss Abe's statement was quite shocking as well. Plus, the formulaic nature of the episodes didn't bother me either. I can recommend it as a charming series to relax with. ()