The Cove - La baie de la honte

  • États-Unis The Cove

VOD (1)


Après s'être fait connaître dans les années 60 par la série Flipper, l'ex-dresseur de dauphins Ric O'Barry est aujourd'hui un défenseur acharné des cétacés. A Taiji, au Japon, il se mobilise contre le massacre de plusieurs milliers de dauphins par an, perpétré à l'abri des regards. Avec l'équipe de l'Oceanic Preservation Society, O'Barry entreprend de révéler la vérité sur Taiji au monde entier. Malgré l'hostilité de la police locale et des pêcheurs, O'Barry et ses complices réunissent une équipe de choc: cadreurs et preneurs de sons sous-marins, spécialistes d'effets spéciaux, océanographes et plongeurs en apnée réputés se lancent dans une opération secrète destinée à rapporter des images de la petite baie isolée... (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (7)

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Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I have a slight aversion to these "let's love animals" documentaries, but The Cove works exactly as it’s supposed to. This is not about two different perspectives, which a properly unbiased documentary should have. This is purely and simply the repentance of a man who has realized what he has started and is now trying to resolve the situation through active struggle, which makes me like Richard O´Barry. The moment you realize that it's not "even" about the money, you inevitably get the creeps. It’s too bad that in order for the creators’ message to be noticed, they would have to announce their work a year in advance and then serve it up in 3D. PS: In the same way, numerous species (not including humans) die unpleasantly every year and no one will stand up for them. But it's better to cry over animals... ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais It’s been a long time since a documentary hit me as hard as The Cove did. Yes, I get that things like this happen all over the world, but sitting at home in my chair, I felt like I was part of the issue, and I just can’t shake it off. The documentary is brilliantly executed—introducing the problem, showing the people fighting against it, and leading up to two incredible undercover operations that really drive the point home. It made me realize that fighting these kinds of injustices truly matters—you just have to be willing to act. That’s why this documentary stands out for me, and after watching it, I know I’ll never forget the horrors of Taiji. Sadly, it’s also left me with a pretty sour view of Japan, a country I now have little desire to visit. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais If Mulder and Sculley had appeared in this, it would have been one of the best X-File conspiracy episode ever. But as it is, in all ways it is “at least" a fascinating documentary through and through, where the absolutely obvious bias doesn’t matter one bit. P.S.: f this had been about similarly intelligent, but less cute rats, nobody would have given this a look, but anything in the name of dolphins, isn’t that right? I am intrigued to find out just how many of the really incensed and agitated viewers will make the effort to visit the website and make a donation. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais So this documentary affected me deeply and brought me to tears. I am a big animal lover and I hate animal abuse. My hat is off to the people involved in this great piece of work and I really hope it will have an effect. I admire Mr. Richard O'Barry's attitude. The most beautiful and saddest documentary I have seen so far. And I imagine it's a long way from the reality. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais I used to feel quite sorry for the Japanese for what America did to them in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but now that I've watched the hideous slaughter of dozens of dolphins in a pool of blood, I wish those slanted-eyed heartless people had had it worse. No documentary has ever made me feel this sick and shown me the position of humans as the biggest killers and pests of nature in such a moving and non-commercial way. I now have the urge to start studying biology, sign up for some environmental organization and fly to Taiji to kick some Japanese ass, even though it would have absolutely zero effect. Ricu&spol, don’t give up! ()