Jaroslavna, Ranskan kuningatar

  • Suomi Ranskan kuningatar Jaroslavna (lisää)
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englanti Yelena Koreneva matured somewhat after A Lovers' Romance. She created the lead role of Anna of Kyiv in an interesting adventure story of travel in the Eurasian Middle Ages in 1048. Yaroslavna, Queen of France is a historicizing road-movie on horseback describing the journey of the youngest Russian princess Anna Yaroslavna (daughter of Yaroslav I and Ingegerda of Sweden) to the French throne. At home, she was brought up by a young monk who secretly fell in love with her. During the journey, of course, this emotion becomes the dominant catharsis of the drama, with unpleasant consequences. Today, it is possible to visit the grave of Anna Regina at Villiers Abbey in La Ferté-Alais and be grateful to Lenfilm for not turning this plot into a showcase story about how Russia helped make France great. Only the links of the members of the Russian princely family to the European political scene are cleverly taken into account. Anna's older sisters were married away into Hungary and Norway. ()