Manhattan sin salida

  • México Nueva York sin salida (más)
Tráiler 9

Streaming (1)


André Davis (Chadwick Boseman) es un policía de Nueva York que ve la oportunidad de redimir su pasado cuando ocho oficiales de la policía son asesinados durante un robo. Con ayuda de su compañera Frankie (Sienna Miller), inicia una brutal persecución con el fin de encontrar a los culpables y, por primera vez en la historia de Manhattan, la ciudad quedará blindada y en las próximas 24 horas nadie podrá entrar ni salir de la isla. (Diamond Films España)


Reseñas (8)



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inglés An unassuming, action-packed one-off that looks pretty average at first glance, but a deeper look reveals that it's a detailed and character-driven work that I think is quite underrated. Chadwick Boseman bounces from Black Panther to 21 Bridges to play a well-respected, single-minded detective who gets a drug bust case on his hands, but towards the end it turns out that all is not as it seems. It's got grit from start to finish, for me there were hardly any dead spots, and there's always shooting, running, investigating, it never gets boring. There are more than enough action scenes, beautifully and clearly shot, but still maintain realism. There's also no shortage of depth to the subject matter, the corruption of the cops and the drastic denouement at the end, where the further the film progressed, the more it drew me in. Taylor Kitsch and J.K. Simmons are just icing on an already pretty solid cake. For me, this is one of the best genre films in a while. ()


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español Un drama criminal magníficamente elegante en todos los sentidos que puede tener un drama elegante. Atmósfera lúgubre de Manhattan por la noche, alarmante megaproyección policial con el cierre de «la ciudad más concurrida del mundo», carácter noir de un policía característico y malditamente certero al disparar, música en el espíritu de las viejas películas policíacas «sucias». Y frente a eso, la trama de guion más transparente y predecible que recuerdo. Cualquier cosa sospechosa para el protagonista es inmediatamente tan clara para el espectador que este espera que tal vez, para una cinematografía tan estilizada, deba tratarse de un despiste deliberado con un propósito superior. Y no lo es, y sin embargo resulta ser una perogrullada ingenuamente miope. ()


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inglés A great, snack-sized genre piece for immediate consumption. The gunfights are as brutal as they should be and the atmosphere of Manhattan at night lends the film a welcome touch of noir. What helps is that the plot plays out within the space of a few city blocks and a few hours, so there is no time for unnecessary detours or expository talk – the film gets right down to business and never relents. Some will find the comparison exaggerated, but I found the unapologetic, fast-paced way in which the two villains are hunted down reminiscent of the second and third installments of the Bourne series. ()


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inglés I wasn't expecting much from 21 Bridges, but in the end it was a pleasant surprise that goes in the style of 90's cop corruption crime thrillers, where Black Panther excels. The story focuses on two thieves who go to steal 30 kilos of cocaine, but they find 300 kilos and are unexpectedly interrupted by a police unit and end up in a brutal shootout with eight dead policemen. Detective Chadwick Boseman arrives on the scene and orders a lockdown of Manhattan and has five hours to catch the cop killers. The film is very intense from start to finish, never slackens in pace and hurtles forward like a bullet train train. It has a great soundtrack, solid action and a good dose of suspense that brings an interesting conclusion. Not many films like this are made nowadays, it's more a thing of the last decade, so I enjoyed it in the cinema. 8/10. ()



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inglés The Black Panther’s father was beaten to death and so, now in the role of an NYPD detective, he likes to clean the streets somewhat more thoroughly than his colleagues, preferring to terminate them rather than taking them into custody. He's the perfect candidate to lead a manhunt for two eight-time cop killers who disappeared with 50 kilos of uncut cocaine. This action classic (coherent shoot-outs, high-speed chases) changes direction a little halfway through and is much more intelligent than it seemed at the start. And it just keeps on moving. The moralistic conclusion paradoxically does not present the main character as a good person, but more of a perfectly functioning machine for imposing a new order on the modern world. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés An enjoyable crime drama with very decent action, an excellent real-time chase of armed robbers and a devilishly decent role fr Taylor Kitsch, who should play only bad guys from now on and totally forget about being the hero. The ending it’s a bit too much, but Simmons is a good enough actor to keep it within acceptable limits. As a low-budget and dynamic alternative to Bourne, it’s fine. ()


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inglés 21 Bridges is an unassuming film from lesser-known creators that ultimately surprises with its solid atmosphere, impressive shootouts, and decent final resolution. Don’t expect a groundbreaking event; it has its weaker moments, but overall, it turned out about as well as it could have. The main highlight is definitely Chadwick Boseman as the detective; I was surprised at how well he played his role, and I believed his emotions. Besides him, I’d also highlight J.K. Simmons—his talent is often overlooked, which really shouldn’t be the case. There are plenty of shootouts, but I have a minor critique. They rely heavily on visual effect, which is fine, but I missed a greater sense of rawness and chaos (something that was achieved in both films from the Sicario series), and I’d prefer not to comment on the silenced gunshots; few films manage to portray them accurately. The ending surprised me, though it could have been a bit more pessimistic (which would have suited the overall tone of the film better), but satisfaction prevails. I give it a surprising 70%. ()


todas reseñas del usuario

inglés 21 Bridges is a very decent genre film that by the end branches off quite interestingly (if predictably) and basically has two endings. The naturalism of the shootouts is solidly close to the best of Michael Mann in places. Chadwick Boseman tries his best to prove that he really can act, and actually succeeds quite well. ()